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Blitzkrieg Commander, Cold War Commander & Future War Commander Sites |
 | | BKC | CWC | FWC | | Entries on Board Game Geek |
 | | The Storm Clouds Gather | | A Very British Civil War in the West Country, UK |
 | | SteamPunk Commander | | A SteamPunk/Victorian Sci-fi variant for Future War Commander. |
 | | Dazza's BKC Army | | Dazza's superb 10mm collection! |
 | | WW2 in Miniature | | Stunning terrain in 15mm |
 | | Miniature Gaming | | A BKC section with some excellent British and German TO&Es |
 | | Making The Honved | | The Hungarian Army in WW2 with a BKC Order of Battle |
 | | Broken Arrow | | Vietnam Wargaming using Cold War Commander by Mike |
 | | Jouer à BKC | | Forum d'échanges sur la règle de Blitzkrieg Commander |
 | | Tactical Command | | Future War Commander at Tactical Command |
2mm, 3mm & 1/600 Scale Miniatures |
 | | Irregular Miniatures | | 2mm miniatures covering WW2 through to the present day |
 | | Oddzial Osmy at Fighting 15s | | 3mm (1/600) miniatures covering WW2 through to the present day |
 | | KR Games | | 3mm Oddzial Osmy for sale in th UK |
 | | Oddzial Osmy at PicoArmor | | 3mm (1/600) miniatures covering WW2 through to the present day |
 | | 2mm Miniatures Yahoo Group | | 2mm miniatures discussion group |
 | | 3mm Miniatures Yahoo Group | | 3mm miniatures discussion group |
6mm, 1/300 & 1/285 Scale Miniatures |
 | | Heroics & Ros | | A large range of 6mm (1/300) miniatures |
 | | Scotia Models | | Another large range of 6mm (1/300) miniatures |
 | | GHQ Models | | Finely detailed 1/285 scale miniatures from the USA |
 | | PFC C-in-C | | Complimentary range of 1/285 scale miniatures from the USA |
 | | Raiden Miniatures | | 1/285 scale aircraft |
 | | Adler Miniatures | | 6mm infantry for World War Two and Sci-Fi |
 | | 6mm Miniatures Yahoo Group | | 6mm miniatures discussion group |
N Gauge, 10mm & 12mm Miniatures |
 | | Skytrex | | A large range of 1/200 scale miniatures covering the 20th century |
 | | Arrowhead Miniatures | | Outstanding quality 1/144 scale WW2 miniatures (ex-Wargames South) |
 | | P.G. Models | | N gauge vehicles of the British Army since the 1970s |
 | | Miniature Figurines | | N gauge minis that are featured in the rules |
 | | Magister Militum | | 10mm WW2 miniatures, including those from Perrin Miniatures |
 | | Pendraken Miniatures | | An extensive range of 10mm miniatures |
 | | Pithead Miniatures | | A range of 10mm miniatures including some unusual models |
 | | Madaxeman 10mm Directory | | Pictures of most 10mm WW2 miniatures available |
 | | 10mm Miniatures Yahoo Group | | 10mm miniatures discussion group |
15mm Miniatures |
 | | QRF | | 15mm vehicles from the UK |
 | | East Riding 15s | | 15mm figures for the Far East during WW2 |
 | | Peter Pig | | A range of 15mm miniatures from the UK |
 | | Skytrex | | A large range of 15mm miniatures |
 | | The Plastic Soldier Company | | A range of hard-plastic 1/100 scale WW2 figures and vehicles |
 | | MJ Figures | | 15mm figures covering the Falklands War and the Soviet-Afghan War |
 | | Armaments In Miniature | | 15mm aircraft and landing craft |
 | | Quality Casting | | 15mm WW2 and post-WW2 figures and vehicles |
 | | Forged In Battle | | 15mm vehicles and guns made from resin with metal parts, plus 15mm metal figures |
 | | Flashpoint Miniatures | | An extensive range of 15mm miniatures covering the Vietnam War |
 | | Battlefront Miniatures | | A large range of 15mm WW2 miniatures from New Zealand |
 | | Zvezda | | Snap-together kits covering the early period of WW2 |
20mm Miniatures |
 | | A B Figures | | 1/76 scale metal WW2 figures, guns, vehicles and accessories |
 | | Early War Miniatures | | 20mm metal figures covering the early period of WW2 |
 | | R H Models | | A huge range of figures covering the post-WW2 era |
 | | Figures, Armour, Artillery | | A large range of figures, plus some metal vehicles |
 | | SHQ Miniatures | | Another large range of figures and plenty of metal vehicles |
 | | S&S Models | | 20mm metal figures and resin vehicles covering WW2 and Post-WW2 eras |
 | | Shell Hole Scenics | | 20mm metal figures and vehicles for WW2 |
 | | The Plastic Soldier Company | | A range of hard-plastic 1/72 scale WW2 figures and vehicles |
 | | CP Models | | 20mm WW2 and Sci-Fi figures, including some unusual items |
 | | Platoon 20 | | One of the original ranges in this scale |
 | | Skytrex | | A large range of 20mm figures and metal vehicles |
 | | Stonewall Figures | | 20mm figures covering the post-WW2 era |
 | | Britannia Miniatures | | A large range of WW2 and Post-WW2 models and figures |
 | | Fantassin Miniaturas | | 1/72 scale WW2 metal figures and artillery covering most nations |
28mm Miniatures |
 | | Chieftain Models | | Modern Armoured Fighting Vehicles |
 | | Warlord Games | | Extensive range of WW2 infantry, AFVs and vehicles |
 | | Black Tree Design | | Extensive range of World War Two figures and some vehicles |
 | | Crusader Miniatures | | Extensive range of World War Two figures |
 | | Company B | | World War Two and Modern vehicles and accessories |
 | | The Assault Group | | World War Two and Modern figure ranges |
 | | Artizan Designs | | British, German, Russian, Italian, French and American WW2 figures |
 | | MoFo | | 28mm figures for the Falklands and Gulf Wars |
 | | S&S Models | | 28mm models for WW2 and post-WW2 |
 | | Sloppy Jalopy | | 28mm models from WW1 to the present day |
 | | Offensive Miniatures | | 28mm WW2 US Paras |
 | | Renegade Miniatures | | 28mm WW2 British and German figures |
 | | Wargames Foundry | | 28mm WW2 figures including British Home Guard |
Future War Commander |
 | | Onslaught Miniatures | | [OM] 6mm miniatures |
 | | Reaper Miniatures | | [CAV] N gauge miniatures |
 | | Baccus 6mm | | [CH] 6mm miniatures |
 | | Critical Mass Games | | [CMG] 15mm miniatures and buildings |
 | | Denizen Miniatures | | [DM] 25mm miniatures |
 | | Dark Realm Miniatures | | [DRM] 6mm miniatures |
 | | Adler Miniatures | | [DS] 6mm miniatures |
 | | EM4 Miniatures | | [EM] 28mm miniatures |
 | | Steel Crown Productions | | [EW] 6mm miniatures |
 | | Games Workshop | | [FWC] 6mm miniatures |
 | | Ground Zero Games | | [GZG] 6mm and 15mm miniatures |
 | | | | [HoF] 15mm miniatures |
 | | Brigade Models | | [IC] 6mm miniatures |
 | | Old Crow Models | | [OC] 6mm, 15mm and 28mm vehicles |
 | | Khurasan Miniatures | | [KHM] 15mm miniatures, including bugs! |
 | | Combat Wombat Miniatures | | [CWM] 15mm armoured vehicles |
 | | Microworld Games | | [MWG] 6mm miniatures |
 | | Rebel Miniatures | | [RM] 15mm miniatures, including more bugs! |
 | | Steve Jackson Games | | [OGRE] 6mm miniatures |
 | | Plasma Blast Games | | [PBG] 6mm miniatures |
 | | Pig Iron Productions | | [PIP] 28mm figures |
Scenery & Terrain |
 | | Maestre Wargames | | Specialists in good quality 10mm resin buildings |
 | | Depot de le Guerre | | Wonderful custom terrain for the smaller scales |
 | | TimeCast | | Extensive range of resin buildings in 6mm, 10mm and 15mm |
 | | GameCraft Miniatures | | Resin buildings and accessories in 6mm, 15mm and 20mm sizes |
 | | Total Battle Miniatures | | Resin buildings, roads and rivers in various sizes from 6mm to 28mm |
 | | Leven Miniatures | | 6mm resin buildings covering the 20th and 21st centuries |
 | | Ironclad Miniatures | | Resin trenches and ruins in 15mm and 20mm |
 | | Kerr & King | | Resin buildings in 10mm, 15mm and 20mm |
 | | The BaggageTrain | | Resin road, stream and river sections suitable for the smaller scales |
 | | Fieldworks | | Ruined resin buildings in 10mm, 15mm and 20mm |
 | | Artitec Models | | Finely detailed N gauge model buildings from The Netherlands |
 | | Gaugemaster | | UK-based railway modelling shop with a superb range of trees |
 | | Hovels Ltd | | Resin buildings in all scales from 6mm right up to 25mm |
 | | | | A range of 6mm buildings and scenic items from Poland |
 | | Paper Terrain | | Paper buildings in 6mm, 10mm, 15mm and 20mm |
 | | Zuzzy Miniatures | | Rubberised terrain mats and scenic accessories |
 | | TerrainMat | | Painted and textured terrain mats and scenic accessories |
 | | Hotz Mats | | Good quality felt mats in a variety of colours |
 | | Grand Manner | | Extensive range of 28mm buildings |
Painting Services |
 | | Ian Shaw | | Painting service from Ian Shaw |
 | | J.A.D. Designs | | Painting service from Jason Dawson |
 | | Massed Miniature Marvels | | Painting service from Tim Dennis |
Various Sites |
 | | The Nafziger Collection | | Orders of Battle from the 1600s to 1945 |
 | | SOTCW | | Society of Twentieth Century Wargamers |
 | | Battlegames Magazine | | Wargames magazine from the UK |
 | | Carpe Diem | | World War II Miniature Wargaming |
 | | The Miniatures Page | | Popular miniatures site |
 | | TOandEs | | Tables of Organisation and Equipment (TO&Es) from WW1 to the present day |
 | | Pendraken Gallery | | Pics of Pendraken WW2 minis from designer Brian George |
 | | Mad Axeman | | 10mm site with useful painting guides and manufacturer info |
 | | em4 Miniatures | | Tiny six-sided dice in the UK |
 | | East Riding Miniatures | | Excellent custom-sized bases for your miniatures |
 | | Adobe Acrobat | | Free software that you need to open pdf files |
 | | Plastic Soldier Review | | Detailed reviews of many 1/72 scale plastic figures |
 | | Barnwell's Print | | UK printers who did a great job printing the books :-) |
 | | West Tokyo Wargamers | | A wargames club based in Tokyo, Japan |
Blogs |
 | | Sean's Toy Soldiers (Sean) |
 | | The Never Ending Lead Pile (Andy.T) |
 | | Johns' Wargaming blog-thing (mamouth) |
 | | Wargames Odyssey (rnaylor1) |
 | | world war shed (dafyddh) |
 | | Noshers Wargames Blog (nosher) |
 | | Wargamer Blue (pbeccas) |
 | | Another Slight Diversion (Count Belisarius) |
 | | Wargaming Addict (SteveJ) |
 | | Little Lead Arms Race (sgraham) |
 | | kalleswarmaster (Panzer-Kalle) |
 | | Exmouth Wargames (Dave Fielder) |
 | | Duchy of Clove-Hamhock (billb) |
 | | Elder's Wargaming Blog (Schlesien) |
 | | Steve & Nicky's Blog (stenicplus) |
 | | (madaxeman) |
 | | O BRIGADEIRO (jfariahitech) |
 | | LEAD DOESN'T BLEED (Macunaima) |
 | | The Land of Counterpane (Counterpane) |
 | | SOUND OFFICERS CALL! (swhitesell) |
 | | Itinerant Hobbyist (todd.jayhawk) |
 | | Red Storm (cardophillipo) |
 | | sediment's wargame blog (sediment) |
 | | Two Marshals (shedman) |
 | | WW2 Wargaming (robster55) |
 | | Tim Colman (Timstanks) |
 | | Steve (yorkie) |
 | | Richard (cardophillipo) |
 | | Andrew Lawrence (lslegions) |
 | | Paul Fletcher (Mr Mojo Rising) |
 | | Stuart Climpson (Artemis5150) |
 | | Guy Farrish (Gwydion) |
 | | Philip Page (MajorPage) |
 | | Christian Bailey (Serotonin) |
 | | Keith Flint (Keith) |
 | | Chris Justice (ChrisJ) |
 | | Nik Harwood (nikharwood) |
 | | Paul Gardner (leader) |
 | | Tony Barr (tonybarr) |
 | | Dave (KiwiDave) |
 | | Dave Roper (BigDave) |
 | | Robert Swan (Stavka) |
Banners |
Validation |
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