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Author Page 1
United Kingdom
Joined 14/01/13
Last Visit 12/05/18
79 Posts
Posted on 26 March 2014 at 19:54:24 GMT

the Battlefield.

British forces

German Kampfgruppe

Turn 1

the germans attempt to advance on the left, and the firefly halts the 250/9.

The germans move up on the right, and take some fire from the shermans on the hill.

Return fire suppressed them.

In retaliation the british bring in the Typhoons. . .
killing a Panzer i and a 251.

Turn 2.
The left force fails, the right force is still suppressed and the Co orders the Marder to fire .

The British also decide to have a teabreak,and fail to do anything at all.

Turn 3

The germans begin to advance along the road, which leads to an ambush by british infantry.

The sutgs, however, open fire on one platoon killing it.

One stugs tries to advance over the hedge, and is forced back by a churchill and some recon tanks.

On the right the german panzer outflank the british line, Infantry attempt to fire PIATs ( and miss)

Part 3 later. . .
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