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United Kingdom
Joined 10/11/12
Last Visit 13/10/17
34 Posts
Posted on 13 September 2013 at 15:04:01 GMT
I'm hoping to get more people involved with BKC2 at my monthly gaming club, as CWC seemed to go down well despite the poor mess of command rolls when playing as the Russians, so I was wondering what would be a good demo game be?

I'm leaning toward American Armour versus German Armour as their tactical doctrines are similar and some of the players have witnessed the how badly playing the Russians can be (sorry that was my fault in CWC) with their limited tactical doctrine.

I currently have 15 M4 Shermans from Plastic Solder Company and I'm wondering what a good German opposing force would be? Panzer 3, Panzer 4, or even Panthers? I was thinking Panzer 2 and Tigers versus the Shermans would be a cool game but I thought that might be a little overpowered for the German player.

Additionally what tips or guides would you suggest for me to get players into the rules a little quicker? CWC, even though I wrote summaries of each phase, was a little staggered but was enough to teach the other player the game.
Joined 14/09/12
Last Visit 17/05/24
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Posted on 13 September 2013 at 15:44:23 GMT
What about stugs? PSC do some nice stugs i think, you could always mix them with a box of pz4.

Best is to start a regular game, skipping recce arty and airplanes altogether , just trying to get a feel of the game, and adding bit by bit afterwards. Thats how we did it and it's great. Also keeps the game interesting, as once in a game or 3-4 you have a new element to try out. Also meant i could build up my forces bit by bit, and gave me the 'drive' to finish certain units by the time they were 'implemented" in our games.
United Kingdom
Joined 26/03/08
Last Visit 20/02/25
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Posted on 13 September 2013 at 16:37:03 GMT
For intro games we have broadly used the following:

- Small table, say 4'x4'.
- A battalion of infantry per side plus organic support, so 9 x infantry, 3 x mgs, 1 mortar etc.
- A few tanks, around 3, as everybody likes tanksGrin.
- No recce, off board artillery etc as that can be introduced later.
- Keep the scenario simple, but with an interesting background story. So classic encounter may not sound fun but it provides quick and easy games.

Hope this helps?
United Kingdom
Joined 10/11/12
Last Visit 13/10/17
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Posted on 14 September 2013 at 13:37:48 GMT
Thanks gents, finally got 2 scenarios sorted out:

1) British Paras vs German Tigers. 3 Tigers and 3 Regular infantry units (1:1 scale) have to survive 8 turns, while the Paras have 8 turns to destroy the Tigers through dense urban terrain of a French village. Gives the Paras some terrain to move around and the Tigers a bit of difficulty getting line of sight. Aiming for one of those daring raids, though have began work on a making a small 15mm scale bank with some gold bars in the middle Grin

2) American Armour vs German Armour. Difference is that each tank has it's own command value based on how strong the tank is. Currently have 10 M4 Shermans and 2 M10 Tank Destroyers for the Yanks, and the Germans have 10 Panzer IVh and 2 Stugs. Basic level playing style but based around the situation that there are more than two people playing.
Joined 14/09/12
Last Visit 17/05/24
125 Posts
Posted on 14 September 2013 at 20:36:00 GMT
Ah yes a little bank! Definately get hold of the oddball miniature then Grin
United Kingdom
Joined 05/09/09
Last Visit 17/10/21
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Posted on 14 September 2013 at 21:12:58 GMT
Negative vibes, always wiv da negative vibes!
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