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United Kingdom
Joined 09/03/11
Last Visit 04/04/21
2177 Posts
Posted on 30 August 2013 at 16:03:01 GMT
A counter attack scenario where the Loyalist forces of LACK-GO get a little unwound trying to cut off Italio-Fascist held Coventry from their fellow travellers the BUF supporting Sutton Coldfield Union of Fascists.

See for piccies.

An Armoured Regt. of the Blues and Royals (three stands of A9s and three stands of Regulars in Bren Gun Carriers), supported by two battalions of infantry (each six Regulars, a 3" mortar, a Vickers MMG and a 2pdr battery) were engaged in a hasty, free for all attack aiming to create a split between the main Fascist forces on the eastern side of Birmingham. The bulk of the LAK-GO forces were making a deliberate attack towards Coventry to pin the Edwardians and their German allies, whilst Birmingham Union Militia allies held the SCUF in place in the north - the Cavalry would force a gap then clank and trundle round to close it whilst their infantry held the flanks of the penetration.

Meanwhile the Edwardians threw their last reserve forces in to stop them, colliding with the Loyalists just outside the quaint little village of Knowle on the banks of the Grand Union Canal.

Unable to even dig trenches before the Cavalry was upon them, the Italians of the CRAP took hasty defensive positions in the woods, hedgerows and ruins of Knowle Hill Farm and prepared to die bravely for Mussolini, Fascism and King Edward VIII!

Although as it turns out the British Regulars were commanded by the usual idiots, the Cavalry Tally Ho'd out well away from their two supporting infantry battalions who mainly did a little shuffle forwards, shuffle backwards (memories of losses of the Great War maybe?).

It looked like the A9s and BGCs might turn the tide alone as the torrent of MG fire from them combined with some spiffy Royal Artillery 25pdr support suppressed or killed the Italian ATG's and pinned down their infantry, but then disaster struck - the entire Regt. lost cohesion and stalled on the killing ground of the slope of Knowle Hill.

And seizing the moment, Capitano Corelli's leetle flamethrowing tankette troop piled in on a surprising flank attack, belching death and destruction across the surprised tankers! Well and truly stopped in their tracks they were then vulnerable to counter attacking Italian infantry with ATRs and molotovs, and only the timely intervention of the Royal Artillery turned a potential rout into a managed withdrawal to their start lines.

The Italians had clung grimly on despite their own casualties, and now began the process of pushing out a proper defensive perimiter, digging trenches and laying wire in preparation for what they knew would come next - an organised, supported and determined assault from LACK-Go's allies in the red-leaning Birmingham Union Militia...

Another solo scenario from last month, in my loose AVBCW campaign set in & around Birmingham & the West Mids.

Counter attack scenario, imagined at a slightly higher level than my usual one figure is one man, a base of 4-5 is a section, one gun is a single gun/HMG etc. so at "normal" BKC scale, one infantry base = a platoon, a vehicle a troop of 4-6.

Early war British kit can be surprisingly good when your opponent is even more rubbish, but truly inadequate command rolls meant the tanks & their three supporting infantry in BGCs ran straight into the main Italian position. It looked like a Brit win even then till they fluffed a turns worth of command rolls, got suppressed and then found out the hard way that not all tankettes are created equal...

Casualties in the end were quite heavy on both sides but as I forgot to dismount the Brit infantry when their Carriers were suppressed the L3/33 flamethrower & even the Eytie ATRs had a field day on initiative actions and gutted the RTR and its Motor Group. They got stopped by the fire from the supporting 25pdr Battery and then driven back or destroyed by the infantry battalion they finally got close enough to to provide targets for!

It was too much for the Brits though as they hit breakpoint and pulled back. This was actually the first Counterattack scenario I've played where the defenders won! A very rare turn up Smile

Next up was a Deliberate Attack by the Birmingham Union Militia across the same terrain but based from West to East not South to North, which I'll write up and post when I get the photo's off my phone.
United Kingdom
Joined 09/03/11
Last Visit 17/07/21
2177 Posts
Posted on 30 August 2013 at 16:15:20 GMT
"but truly inadequate command rolls meant the tanks & their three supporting infantry in BGCs ran straight into the main Italian position."

Should have added "on their own", the two infantry battalions having had a surfeit of incompetence at command level...
Joined 05/02/04
Last Visit 07/05/19
3793 Posts
Posted on 30 August 2013 at 16:34:37 GMT
Good stuff, that man! Cool
United Kingdom
Joined 10/09/12
Last Visit 06/09/17
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Posted on 30 August 2013 at 17:24:01 GMT
Good write up, keep getting tempted by AVBCW but haven't given in yet....
United Kingdom
Joined 26/03/08
Last Visit 11/03/25
761 Posts
Posted on 30 August 2013 at 19:16:55 GMT
Nice and I really do love the whole AVBCW settingCool.
United Kingdom
Joined 09/03/11
Last Visit 17/07/21
2177 Posts
Posted on 31 August 2013 at 13:14:32 GMT
It gives a great looking game and a really good excuse to get nice inter war and early war kit out Smile Especially the armoured trucks and semi-improv stuff that would usually only see duty in Op. Sea lion or similar!
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