Posted on 15 September 2012 at 11:26:31 GMT I’ve been trying a little experiment with my VBCW stuff. I originally planned the armies for BKC, but due to the localised nature of this type of conflict, my first scenarios were at a company level, so I played them with IABSM (very successfully). I wasn’t sure if I’d be happy with BKC at a lower level with less units on the table. Having played a really good scenario with IABSM, I wondered how it would turn out with BKC, so thought I’d give it a go. I used the same number of stands in both games, just fiddled the command a bit. In 10mm I have my infantry on 30mm bases and for IABSM I used 2 stands per section. So I basically treated a platoon in IABSM as an under strength battalion of 6 platoons in BKC. I worked really well and I was delighted with the results. Both rules gave a completely different game, partly due to it being different opponents in each game, who used very different tactics anyway. The main thing was both games were really good fun and all players were happy with the way their plans panned out (or didn’t!). In both games the Socialist defenders were still in position at the end of the game. But in the IABSM game there was no way that the Royalists were going anywhere. They had lost three tanks, two to the AT “suicide” squads when the tried to break into the village with a blitzkrieg style attack. Plus the Socialist reinforcements hadn’t even come into play yet. However, in the BKC game, it was much closer. By concentrating fire on one house at a time the regulars had inflicted heavy casualties in the defending militia and captured the first line of defence. The Socialist tanks were hammering the German panzers and had destroyed the Panzer II, but their infantry support was bleeding away fast. With more time I think the attackers had a 60/40 chance of clearing the village. For anyone who wants to give this a try, I’ll post up the scenario. |