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United Kingdom
Joined 14/02/10
Last Visit 26/06/12
93 Posts
Posted on 01 August 2010 at 17:33:02 GMT
Forgot my camera, so no pictures.

Which is possibly a good thing because it wasn't all that pretty a sight, really.

German forces maintained the initiative throughout the four turns we played to conclude the game.

They used this to pull back their somewhat dented Czech panzer group, into line with their second battalion. They also deployed their pak companies - pak 36s to the far flanks, and pak 38s to the centre, with the Flak 88 set far back from the front.

The motorcycle infantry arrived, just in time, to reinforce the weakened first battalion... and, with a command bonus, were able to deploy and then blaze away against a somewhat surprised, and suppressed, Soviet outpost line. That accounted for one Soviet battalion - the units that weren't shot up falling back out of sight...

The Soviet armour arrived - the 'new' brigade (T34s and a KV2) on one flank, the 'old' brigade (T28s and BT7s) on the other flank.

The new brigade managed one move onto the table - then the Pak front got them in their sights. Backed up by the Flak gun, abetted by a couple of tanks, and superbly commanded (5 successful command rolls, two of them command bonuses)... the three Pak 36, plus the Flak, an infantry gun and the two tanks managed to suppress 4 of the 8 T34s and kill the other 4, as well as accounting for the KV2 (fall backs are killers)...

The old brigade rolled up on the other flank, and overran one German Landser company, at the cost of a company of Bt7s... but it was then facing a similar pak line, with PzIIIs backing it up...

At that point the Soviets confirmed that they were not going to be able to close the German supply route - of the 6 rifle battalions they started with, three were now combat ineffective, their light tank battalion was at half strength and their most effective armour unit had been destroyed...

By contrast, the Germans had made good their landser losses, and the armour losses had been concentrated on the lighter kit - the Panzer IIIs and IVs were still effective.

Overall, fun, possibly more interactive with two fewer players though Smile
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