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ImageImageImageCurrent Topic Late war German Camouflage
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United Kingdom
Joined 02/12/08
Last Visit 09/09/11
30 Posts
Posted on 12 June 2009 at 02:27:25 GMT
I was wondering if anyone knew any information or good websites for the general camouflage colours used by Waffen SS and the Wehrmacht in the 1944/1945 period? There are plenty of websites (most selling replicas) but they rarely actually mention who specifically used them and in what period.

To be specific, the camouflauge of the late war summer uniform on a Waffen SS infantryman, and same for average Heer infantryman would be great.
Joined 14/08/05
Last Visit 03/12/24
1472 Posts
Posted on 12 June 2009 at 13:38:51 GMT
United Kingdom
Joined 05/03/08
Last Visit 02/08/12
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Posted on 12 June 2009 at 14:01:47 GMT
Nik: that is the website I have been looking for for ages, thanks.Grin
United Kingdom
Joined 02/12/08
Last Visit 09/09/11
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Posted on 14 June 2009 at 07:39:17 GMT
Hi. Thanks for web link but alas it remains unclear on a number of crucial topic, although I realise now this is because the German war effort was in such a bad shape at the time that cohesion was particularly difficult to pull off.

I then remembered that I'm not even approaching skilled enough to paint 6mm camo, so it's spray brown, lighter spray olive green and wash heavily with brown ink. It sort of works.
Joined 08/11/08
Last Visit 19/01/23
1348 Posts
Posted on 15 June 2009 at 00:38:29 GMT
Dont give up, remeber that the camm was applied by vehicle crews, so was non-standard. The same applied to the late 70's and early 80's MERDC, which is one reason why it was abandoned.

Pictures are a guide only, I tend to use fairly large large diagonal stipes for 44 stuff, and thin green lines on 42/43 stuff. No particualr reason, except that the eailer stuff can be used for both Russian and North Africa, so I wanted to keep the camm unobtrusive.

The worst to do is French 1940, with all sorts of markings, and a plethora of schemes.

Joined 14/08/05
Last Visit 03/12/24
1472 Posts
Posted on 16 June 2009 at 14:46:41 GMT
The 'trick' with 6mm camo is to go for the effect - which isn't in the's more about gaining the impression of camo - at arm's length, on-table Smile

I'll go with the base colour & then look to accentuate the camo highlight colours by a couple of tones lighter - and then stippling this on - so that it's noticeable but not overwhelming; after all, remember that the base colour on any camo scheme will account for around 60% of the coverage...

The other thing that works well is the power of overt-suggestion - take pride in the fact you've painted the camo, tell everyone you've done it - and revel in their praise...Grin

You can see examples of my 6mm camo [not WW2 though] here:
Joined 08/11/08
Last Visit 19/01/23
1348 Posts
Posted on 17 June 2009 at 03:40:24 GMT
Nik - I agree entirley.

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