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United States
Joined 20/01/10
Last Visit 22/05/15
91 Posts
Posted on 18 April 2015 at 01:43:51 GMT

I'm posting this to show I finished all my stuff up for KG Klink's invasion of France, but then it's not quite true as I decided, perfectly last minute-like, that I wanted more vehicles. I contacted The Warstore, and not only were they super helpful in answering some product inventory queries I had, but I placed my order Tuesday and they were waiting for me on Thursday when I got home. So I've got about another 15 vehicles to finish up, all German except for two more French Char B1 bis.

But all the stuff I previously ordered is now ready Wink And the invasion begins this weekend regardless (I don't need any of the stuff I just received for the first fight). So relax and take a look around.

Here's the whole thing: I ordered a Pendraken halftrack and made up a French command stand, used some spare infantry to make some more 'heroes.'

The Brits got a Pendraken truck, officer, and 'Monty' figure to make a command stand, two Pendraken 2-pounder anti-tank guns, a Pendraken Matilda II (to go with the Cruiser, two Matilda Is, two Vickers, and three armored cars), three Pendraken Vickers machine guns, and three Engineer stands (also Pendraken).

I got some Allied and German surrendering guys and dismounted tank commanders.

The Germans got another PzJgr I and five assault boats for crossing the Meuse and Somme.

For more pics, please visit the blog at:

Again, I say again, stand by, the invasion of France kicks off this weekend.

United Kingdom
Joined 09/03/11
Last Visit 17/07/21
2177 Posts
Posted on 18 April 2015 at 09:16:29 GMT
Nice! I'll have a pike at the blog Smile
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