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ImageImageImageCurrent Topic SS Infantry platoon - 6mm
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Joined 11/12/09
Last Visit 10/04/13
363 Posts
Posted on 17 October 2012 at 10:16:18 GMT
United Kingdom
Joined 05/09/09
Last Visit 17/10/21
567 Posts
Posted on 17 October 2012 at 11:51:20 GMT
Very nice - how do you think they compare with GHQ minis? I'm working on some 8th army Adler and I also have some "Sikh" and "Digger" infantry from GHQ, so should have some comparisons myself soon, but would be interested to know which you prefer working with.
Joined 11/12/09
Last Visit 19/08/13
363 Posts
Posted on 25 October 2012 at 10:50:00 GMT
I like both, for diferent purposes.
I use GHQ gun crews for SPG crew.

I may try to mix them, and see how does it look like Wink

But latelly my preferences goes to Adler figures, more options to painting, nice prices, and fast customer service.

United States
Joined 15/06/10
Last Visit 31/08/20
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Posted on 25 October 2012 at 14:56:51 GMT
Great work
Joined 19/10/07
Last Visit 14/10/22
288 Posts
Posted on 25 October 2012 at 16:16:58 GMT
FWIW, I much prefer Adler and I have painted both. Adler has raised details that GHQ doesn't have. And then there's the greater variety of better poses, better mix of weapons, and greater choice.

I suppose that you can mix them, but it's basically the same rules as mixing vehicles from different manufactures. If you do it, just don't mix the figures on the same stand. Adler are slightly larger and definitely have larger heads, and this will really stand out if the two are on the same stand.
United Kingdom
Joined 05/09/09
Last Visit 17/10/21
567 Posts
Posted on 26 October 2012 at 13:29:04 GMT
I bought a bunch of Adler desert British infantry at the Derby show a couple of weeks back and have managed to paint a pack of infantry and bren gunners - really pleased with the results so far. I'm now working in some Adler 2" mortars, MMGs and AT rifles. Once they are done, and based, it's going to be the GHQ diggers and sikhs, so will try and post some piccies soon.
United States
Joined 20/07/05
Last Visit 03/06/19
322 Posts
Posted on 20 November 2012 at 13:05:58 GMT
A question about the painting. What color do you use as a base coat for infantry and for vehicles?
Joined 19/10/07
Last Visit 14/10/22
288 Posts
Posted on 20 November 2012 at 14:25:47 GMT
I use a grey primer because that is what I happen to have. It seems to work nicely. Black is good in that you don't have to paint to the edges but the disadvantage is that it darkens the colours. White makes colours pop (useful in a small scale) but it means that you need to paint everything. Grey is my compromise.

For vehicles, I prime with the grey and then spray bomb the base coat, which is olive for allied vehicles and the Tamaya dark yellow for German. I have the matching Tamaya bottle for touch ups.
United States
Joined 20/07/05
Last Visit 03/06/19
322 Posts
Posted on 21 November 2012 at 04:19:37 GMT
One of the hardware chains used to have green, yellow, white, grey, black, and red oxide primers, but discontinued the yellow and green a while back. I did find an online site that has green primer and have been using it for most vehicles. I found that grey primer will distort colors like yellow and red for horse and musket and earlier periods so I have been using white for them.
I am interested in what the original poster uses as a base coat/primer for his infantry. His work is excellent.
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