I have only just discovered this website (you will probably have to copy and paste into your pc:
http://earlywarminiatures.com/id13.html and its lovely Early War figures in 20mm, recomended to me by a good friend Dave Halewood who shares my passion for WW2 20mm gaming (I also have 6mm and 10mm) but thought those with an interest in 20mm my like this site.
I would heartily recommend this site for the 20mm links page too, Pete.
And in case you are thinking whats his angle: I have no involvement with this (I believe) one man business who comes well recommended for good service from my friend Dave who has bought from him. I am still working out whether to add to my existing 20mm or begin a new force like Vichy French in Africa!! His range of extras would make for great HQ type bases!!