Posted on 27 February 2011 at 17:03:16 GMT Couriers On Horseback ---------- Interesting photo between pp. 96-97 in Bryan Perrett's, KNIGHTS OF THE BLACK CROSS. --- Toward the end of the first photo section a Nashorn crew member is reaching out to receive a written message from a soldier on horseback. Presumably the fellow on the horse is a courier. The photo is probably late Fall, Winter or early Spring in 1943 or 1944 given when Nashorns first served. --- We've been conversing locally about making command stands easily discernible. Putting a courier on a horse is probably one option. Since cavalry is a favorite of mine, I thought, perhaps I could put a few on command stands. Logic regrettably suggests this would not be done in our 1940 7th Pz Div. but...? --- Any facts out there about this? Respectfully, Bill |