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AJ at the bank
United Kingdom
Joined 23/09/07
Last Visit 14/06/24
335 Posts
Posted on 03 November 2018 at 18:08:39 GMT
Hi fellow groupies.

Not sure how many are playing BKCII and still following this Forum- but this continues to be the preferred ruleset for our little gaming group - and still gets us together for WWII table-top fun (albeit too infrequently now-a-days).

A recent game brought up a couple of questions that I would welcome understanding how others play -

Q1: Moving into an unoccupied Trench or Pit
Terrain rules on p19 and the Terrain Movement Summary on p140, are both clear that movement for Troops on foot, tracked AFVs and Cavalry, treat Trenches & Pits as a Linear Terrain Obstacle. Page 19 states that these units stop when contacting Linear Terrain, may then cross and then move full distance on the next successful order.

Does this mean that Units entering Trenches/Pits to take up position should stop at the edge of the Field Defence ...and then enter next move? Or should Units stop within the Trench/Pit - similar to entry/exit of Area Terrain?

It's all a bit further confused with Terrain Movement indicating that an AFV Pit or Gun Pit are Impassable to half-tracked/wheeled AFVs and Towed Guns...but perhaps this is just for Units trying to cross Pits rather than entering them?

Q2 : Tactical Doctrine Adjustment to Breakpoint calc (p43).

Does the Flexible or Rigid Doctrine Breakpoint adjustment per 1000 points apply for every FULL 1000 points in a Battlegroup (like maximum Unit Limits on p44) or not. I.e. Does a Flexible Battlegroup with 800 points get a -1 or nil adjustment? Does a Rigid 1600 point Battlegroup get a +1 or a +2 adjustment?

Thoughts very welcome please!
Big Insect
United Kingdom
Joined 27/04/10
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Posted on 03 November 2018 at 18:25:22 GMT
Wonderful to hear you (& your group) are still playing BKCII AJ.
Lots of us still are and some of the conversation has migrated to the Pendraken BKC forum now that Pendraken has taken on running the Commander rules stable.

Q1. I'd say yes. Stop and then occupy, as that is the situation normally with difficult terrain. Think of it that your troops would be cautious and not just leap in to a vacated enemy position !!! Grin

The impassibility of an AFV Pit & Gun pit applies to a unit crossing it not moving to occupying it or defending it.

Q2. a good point that is being clarified in BKCIV. We always play it as per 1,000 points or part there of. Not popular, but I think that is the intention of the rules or you'll get into that 999pts v 1001pts argument Huh?
Same applies to any per 1,000 pts restriction in the army lists as well

Hope that helps ?
AJ at the bank
United Kingdom
Joined 23/09/07
Last Visit 14/06/24
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Posted on 03 November 2018 at 21:07:19 GMT
Thanks Mark - Very helpful view. Much appreciated.

Things were made even more interesting when looking up a rules clarification on Close Assault ...where Pete had previously confirmed that a Consolidation move could be used to get back into trenches for Infantry who had previously left them to conduct the CA.

Ref your final point "Same applies to any per 1000 pts restriction in the army lists as well"...
Despite the specific example on p45 - that states limits are for FULL 1000 points ...E.g. a Battlegroup of 1-1999 points uses limits for a 1000 point Battlegroup...whereas a 2999 Battlegroup uses the limits for a 2000 point group?
Big Insect
United Kingdom
Joined 27/04/10
Last Visit 12/10/20
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Posted on 04 November 2018 at 19:46:38 GMT
I am confusing you AJ - apologies - the specific example on P45 is exactly what I meant to say - per 1,000pts not part there after or of Blush
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