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Joined 23/01/14
Last Visit 27/02/17
27 Posts
Posted on 06 September 2014 at 16:47:54 GMT
rules say FAO uses his CV with -1 for requesting more than 3 bateries (per additional 3)and -1 per succesive request.
My question is are these cumulative? for example FAO requests 3 batteries for his first action and is succesful. For his second action he requests a further two batteries. He deducts 1 for "succesive request", but should he also deduct a further -1 for more than three batteries? or is this only if he tries to call in all 5 as a single action?
United Kingdom
Joined 07/07/04
Last Visit 03/05/21
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Posted on 06 September 2014 at 16:55:45 GMT
The -1 for more than 3 batteries only applies to the number of batteries being ordered at once, so in your example it would not apply unless the FAO tries to call in 4 or 5 of the batteries in as a single order.
Joined 23/01/14
Last Visit 22/04/17
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Posted on 06 September 2014 at 17:05:30 GMT
that is what I thought on first reading, but if so what is the point of the rule? Why would anyone want to call 7 batteries at -2 rather than 3 at no deduct, then the next three at -1?
So i began to think that it might just be to reflect the confusion of having one FAO spread too thin?
United Kingdom
Joined 07/07/04
Last Visit 03/05/21
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Posted on 06 September 2014 at 18:11:51 GMT
If you have 7 batteries, you could fire them all at one target and thus only require one successful command roll although it would be at -2. If they deviate then they will all drift together and still hurt whatever ends up under the template.
If you just use 3, the first command roll would be without the penalty.
To get the next 3 units to fire would require another command roll but this would be at -1 for being the FAO's second order. These will probably deviate and not end up in the same units as attacked by the first.
To get the 7th unit to fire would require a third roll but would be at -2 for the FAO's third order. The template is unlikely to end up on the same units attacked earlier.
So, assuming you have a FAO with CV8 (a good one) your chance to get make all three command rolls would be (if my maths is right):

8 = 26/36 = 72.2%
7 = 21/36 = 58.3%
6 = 15/36 = 41.6%

So your call, one roll at 41.6% or 3 deviating rolls at 17.5%

Your chance of making the first two rolls would be 42.1%.

For what it's worth, it's sometimes useful to make multiple rolls so that you can target different targets.
AJ at the bank
United Kingdom
Joined 23/09/07
Last Visit 14/06/24
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Posted on 06 September 2014 at 21:13:48 GMT
Leader has it right...

...and it pretty much depends on the circumstances of the game.

If you can target infantry/open-AFVs in the Open...and don't expect much deviation might try for all seven (or probably 6) in one go....and try for a lucky outright kill.

But if you were using the Auto-suppression might go for multiple the hope of getting targets to fall back more than 10cm, after any first round hits auto-suppress.

And as Leader suggest...Different targets is also v helpful sometimes
Joined 23/01/14
Last Visit 22/04/17
27 Posts
Posted on 07 September 2014 at 22:56:42 GMT
Thanks - not sure about the 17.5% though - if you make the first, the second is still 58.3% isn't it? or is it..?
Huh?. I just feel that I almost always fail to make a 6 CV throw - certainly feels like I make these way fewer than 41.6% of the time, whatever the maths!

Good point about the deviation and chance of a lucky outright kill...anyway, original question was on the interpretation of the rule and I think you are both pretty convincing on that! Best bet of all is buy more FAO's or stick to my early russians and not get any
United Kingdom
Joined 07/07/04
Last Visit 03/05/21
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Posted on 08 September 2014 at 00:07:46 GMT
You're right in that if you've made the first roll the second is at 58.3%. The 17.5% is your chance of making all three rolls prior making any rolls, i.e. your chance to get all 7 units to fire.
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