Posted on 02 September 2014 at 00:29:08 GMT Pete... Can you help with a couple of Close Assault queries please? Q1: Under the Response rule (p30) and the Counter-Fire rule (p10) - Can units under Assault fire at EACH of the Assaulting and Supporting units... until they are stopped from doing so by being put in base-to-base contact by an assaulting unit? Q2 : Under the same rules as in Q1....any (unsuppressed) units within 10cm of a unit under Assault may also fire at Assaulting and Supporting units.....can these units fire at EACH of the Assaulting and Supporting units with nothing stopping them until they run out of targets (as they are not under Assault themselves...and therefore nothing gets base-to-base with them) ? Q3 : Is it only non-AFVs (noting unit exclusion list on p30) that can Assault a unit positioned directly behind a hedge or wall? As AFVs can only Assault units in the Open (except when carrying infantry/engineers) ....and hedges/walls give Cover - as per Hit Summary table? Many thanks. AJ |