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United States
Joined 10/10/10
Last Visit 01/04/14
6 Posts
Posted on 30 March 2014 at 23:04:11 GMT
I introduced a my nephews and a friend of theirs to BKC2 and they had a great time (first time mini gaming). Two questions came up though.

1- German player has 2 HQs (A & B). Start of turn HQA fails 1st command roll. Does the decision to use the CO to try and command HQA's units need to be made right now or can it be after HQB performs its command rolls & actions (successful or not)? Somewhere in my brain I was thinking it had to be made right then but this could be from some other ruleset.

2- OP fire: Russian HQ issues a move command to 5 T34s and 2 T70s, each moving around a BUA of a village (t34s to the left, t70s to the right). As the t34s (physically being moved first) get to the end of their move distance a german pz3 (one of 4 pz3 lurking behind this village) op fires and hits the t34. A -1 is now incurred by the german HQ for opfire. Now as still part of the original Sov hq order the t70s move around the other side of the village. They are spotted by other pz3s of the same german HQ. Can those tanks opfire now since the a unit of the germans op fired already, or can those pz3s now opfire? And if they can fire would it still be just -1 for that german HQ (to me that's it) or would it get some other modifier?
Joined 05/02/04
Last Visit 07/05/19
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Posted on 30 March 2014 at 23:48:19 GMT
1. Good point, no you can do it later as this gives the CO a little more flexibility.

2. Yes they can still fire.
United Kingdom
Joined 09/03/11
Last Visit 17/07/21
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Posted on 31 March 2014 at 10:00:38 GMT
The -1 to CV is if you include any unit that's Op Fired, so whether one has or nine have, it's a -1 Smile
AJ at the bank
United Kingdom
Joined 23/09/07
Last Visit 14/06/24
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Posted on 31 March 2014 at 19:49:43 GMT
Opportunity Fire rules are covered on p21.

(1) Each individual unit may choose to use Op fire or not....up to you.

(2) It's the individual unit using Op fire that suffers the -1 penalty, if it's ordered later that turn in the Command phase....not the Command unit. This reflects that Op fire is -
(i) Meant to be a substitute for an initiative action...and
(ii) That Normal or Flexible doctrine battlegroups (p43) can have units ordered by any HQ ...not just their original formation HQ.

(3) Unlike Initiative fire however...
(i) Op firing units, firing at a single target, should roll all attacks together if possible. Unlike Initiative fire where each unit resolves fire separately before moving onto the next firing unit.
(ii) Op firing units can fire at any opposing unit within firing range, that either moves or fires and is in it's LoS. Unlike Initiative fire, where units can only react against the nearest visible enemy unit within initiative distance.

Hope this helps
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