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Joined 08/11/08
Last Visit 18/01/23
1348 Posts
Posted on 25 May 2013 at 12:31:16 GMT
Suppose this really applies to all sets, but :-

an HQ wants to order some of it's elements to shoot, and others to fire. Does it :

a) Issue both on the same command roll ?

b) Issue it's move orders, then roll again to shoot ?

Came up in a game on Thursday, we used a), but that's not how I would play it.

United Kingdom
Joined 09/03/11
Last Visit 17/07/21
2177 Posts
Posted on 25 May 2013 at 13:02:12 GMT
a/ is correct.

Although with Rigid Doctrine armies you may want to do all the moving elements first until you're satisfied, then do the firing elements to take advantage of the +1 for all units in a formation doing the same thing.
Joined 05/02/04
Last Visit 07/05/19
3793 Posts
Posted on 25 May 2013 at 14:02:46 GMT
This would just require one command roll.
carl luxford
United Kingdom
Joined 03/03/06
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Posted on 26 May 2013 at 18:20:33 GMT

do you play that all units firing or moving for rigid is ok and need to score as CV (but cannot use if leaving some units out as not ALL doing same which would incur -1 penalty)?
I suppose I am thinking about games where I use historical TO&Es?
Otherwise if rules let you add or drop units when throwing under rigid doctrine then you seem to breaking spirit of rule with all units in command doing same ??

Just a thought.
United Kingdom
Joined 09/03/11
Last Visit 17/07/21
2177 Posts
Posted on 26 May 2013 at 18:44:28 GMT
Rigid Doctrine -

A formation is set at game start. The units in it can only be ordered by the HQ commanded it (or the CO). That HQ cannot command other units from other formations.

That's a different thing to when in the orders phase, when you might choose to order part of that formation to fire, then decide to stop and order the rest to move. Or whatever combo you fancy, as per normal. You just can't command units from another formation...

As a historical-ish example, you have a rifle battalion with six infantry stands, a mortar and two HMGs under a single HQ. First turn or two you're all moving up as a single orders group, everyone's on +1CV.

Next turn you've got the support weapons where you want them, so you order the infantry first to continue moving up. All the units under command (the infantry) are doing the same thing, so all at +1 CV. Before you fail, you decide to stop ordering the infantry, and switch to the support weapons for a couple of order rolls, again at +1 CV for rigid until you fail a roll and that HQs turn ends.

Where the "can't receive orders from other HQs" bit comes in is when (say) your infantry charge forward and then you fluff a command roll. You can't use another HQ to try and motivate the support weapons to do anything.
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