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Joined 27/11/12
Last Visit 18/06/13
13 Posts
Posted on 27 November 2012 at 16:09:26 GMT

We had a game where my opponent was using his STUG III 75mm kurz, in an indirect fire mode (like any infantry gun or Artillery Support Unit). Is it allowed for Assault Guns (listed as ARM) to operate in this way? I haven't found any reference, either way, to this in the rules.

Also just to be sure, may on-table Artillery Support Units, Infantry Guns or Mortars be given fire orders by the command unit of any friendly unit insight of an enemy unit or must they be assigned to a particular unit and only that command unit can order them to fire?

Thanks for any illumination on these.


Joined 08/11/08
Last Visit 19/01/23
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Posted on 27 November 2012 at 16:26:45 GMT
German doctrine was to use for direct fire in infantry support - excatly the same job as British "I" tanks. So I would normally disallow it.

Joined 27/11/12
Last Visit 18/06/13
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Posted on 28 November 2012 at 08:25:17 GMT
Ian and Mark, many thanks for your insights. Now to break the good news gently to my opponent... I guess we'll have to agree that only mortars, IGs and on-table ART can do this.

The Netherlands
Joined 09/11/05
Last Visit 18/12/24
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Posted on 28 November 2012 at 09:37:55 GMT
Question Also just to be sure, may on-table Artillery Support Units, Infantry Guns or Mortars be given fire orders by the command unit of any friendly unit insight of an enemy unit or must they be assigned to a particular unit and only that command unit can order them to fire?

I think you could start by applying the doctrine rules for this, i.e. rigid can only command their own supports, normal can use others with a penalty, flexible can use any. But it's really more complicated than that, and really depends on who, what, where and when.
Albie Bach
United Kingdom
Joined 09/03/09
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Posted on 29 November 2012 at 18:14:40 GMT
For on-table Artillery Suppport Units see the FAQ download
"8. Who can issue orders to artillery support units?
All HQs and the CO can issue orders to artillery support units."

Infantry Guns and Mortars are classsed as INF and are integral part of formations so can be ordered by HQs or the CO according to the army's doctrine.
An exception to this is Russian armies which also have heavy mortars (120mm and 160mm) classed as off-table artillery and these would be treated accordingly.

Hope that helps.
Cheers, Colin
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