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ImageImageImageCurrent Topic Size of built up areas
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Joined 10/12/10
Last Visit 24/12/13
64 Posts
Posted on 20 June 2012 at 11:18:31 GMT
A bit of guidance please - in the rules it is clear that it is the template or footprint of the whole BUA which blocks LOS and LOF etc - so what size do you use for 10mm games?

I am guessing that plonking a building onto, say, a piece of grey felt will then delineate the footprint - but how big a piece? - sorry if its obvious to you - its not to me.
United Kingdom
Joined 05/09/09
Last Visit 17/10/21
567 Posts
Posted on 20 June 2012 at 11:49:01 GMT
IMHO the size of the BUA would depend on what you are trying to represent, so enough for a couple of buildings and enough margin to feel right for garden/yard walls if it's to represent a hamlet. I'd use enough for 3-4 buildings plus gardens/yards for a village or small town. Bigger BUAs could be made up from hamlet/village sized templates seperated by roads or rivers as appropriate - gives some opportunity for compartmentalising the BUA and isolating city blocks for close assault. I keep the buildings mobile so I can move them around within the BUA template to suit where the troops are - I seem to remember Pete suggesting this in an earlier thread.
United Kingdom
Joined 03/04/12
Last Visit 05/06/19
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Posted on 20 June 2012 at 19:57:23 GMT
The ones we have are built up to about 6"x6" though we have about 10 to 20mm free round the edges to allow them to be joined up with enough space between buildings to allow stands to be placed or roads to be lain between them.
Northern Monkey
Joined 13/04/12
Last Visit 18/08/19
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Posted on 20 June 2012 at 21:29:52 GMT
Ive recently made a few templates(from carpet tile, suitably tarted up) and have gone with a variety of random sizes all square or rectangular the largest is 6"x6" if i need bigger i'll just place one or more of the smaller templates along side
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