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 Joined 23/01/10 Last Visit 14/05/21 84 Posts
Posted on 10 December 2011 at 22:33:18 GMT Played last night with our first inclusion of Recce Units. 100% understand how Recce Units operate in the Initiative Phase. But how do they move in the normal game turn? As I understand it they are not attached to a particular HQ. They don't have their own CV roll. So how do they get orders to move? |
 Joined 08/09/07 Last Visit 08/03/15 85 Posts
Posted on 10 December 2011 at 23:17:07 GMT Paul Recce move in the Initiative Phase as per their Tactical Doctrine,in response to visible enemy units within 15,20 or 25cm Recce can also be given orders by any HQ or the CO in the Command Phase,as per normal units,as long as the Recce unit has not communicated in the Initiative Phase. Richard |
 Joined 23/01/10 Last Visit 14/05/21 84 Posts
Posted on 10 December 2011 at 23:22:30 GMT Cool, thanks Richard. |
 Joined 05/02/04 Last Visit 07/05/19 3793 Posts
Posted on 10 December 2011 at 23:49:40 GMT That's right, just order them with any CO/HQ you like. |
 Joined 27/04/04 Last Visit 02/09/13 82 Posts
Posted on 11 December 2011 at 01:09:21 GMT Clarification questions: 1: Do Recce only move in Inititative Phase as per Tactical Doctrine or can they make a full normal move? 2: Can Recce fire in the Initiative Phase as per Tactical Doctrine or out to their max allowed? -Patrick I could swear that I remember reading on this forum that both were to their full ability, but I can't find it now, and that may have been for BKCI.  |
 Joined 08/09/07 Last Visit 08/03/15 85 Posts
Posted on 11 December 2011 at 01:41:28 GMT Patrick In the Initiative Phase,Recce units may: 1. Make a full move,in any direction, in response to the nearest visible enemy unit,provided it is in initiative distance 2. Fire at the nearest visible enemy unit provided it is in weapon range and initiative distance Richard |
 Joined 23/01/10 Last Visit 14/05/21 84 Posts
Posted on 11 December 2011 at 02:43:22 GMT Hey Patrick. 1. (part1) Recce act like any unit in Initiative when in Tac Doc range of an enemy unit. (part2) And they can move in the normal game turn receiving orders from any HQ or CO. There's no range modifiers applied so your Recce could be 6ft from the HQ with no CV penalty. That's how I got confused yesterday. I thought it all happened in Initiative phase. |
 Joined 03/02/08 Last Visit 24/04/22 50 Posts
Posted on 15 December 2011 at 17:31:56 GMT Oh right, i thought they could only do stuff in the initiative phase..... So, let me get this right, i can move in the Initiative phase(or whatever), then it can receive orders normally, during the rest of the turn?   |
 Joined 07/07/04 Last Visit 03/05/21 255 Posts
Posted on 15 December 2011 at 17:56:16 GMT With the exception that if a recce unit communicates (uses its recon ability) during the initiative phase it cannot be given orders during the command phase. We interpret this to mean if the recce unit uses its recon ability regardless of whether it was successful or not, but we could be wrong with that part.   |
 Joined 28/05/11 Last Visit 07/05/22 179 Posts
Posted on 12 February 2012 at 11:22:30 GMT FURTHER QUERY If recce can only operate in the initiative phase within initiative distance and:- 1. Make a full move,in any direction, in response to the nearest visible enemy unit,provided it is in initiative distance 2. Fire at the nearest visible enemy unit provided it is in weapon range and initiative distance What about communication - as it says to measure the distance between recce and nearest enemy unit 1 per 10 cm distance up to a max of 60 cm. How can the recce do this as I thought they are only able to operate within Initiative distance - the max being 25 cm??? It seems so simple until someone queries during a game??!! thanks |
 Joined 07/07/04 Last Visit 03/05/21 255 Posts
Posted on 12 February 2012 at 19:32:14 GMT Recce units have the normal options during the initiative phase OR can use their special recon ability to try and locate the nearest enemy unit up to 60cm. If they do use their recon ability then they cannot be given orders during the command phase. If they don't use the recon ability, then they are only able to be given move or deploy but not fire orders during a command phase. |
 Joined 28/05/11 Last Visit 07/05/22 179 Posts
Posted on 13 February 2012 at 05:55:53 GMT OK thanks, got it! |
ivan the reasonable
 Joined 08/12/06 Last Visit 07/08/12 67 Posts
Posted on 13 February 2012 at 17:44:55 GMT Cross698, forget initiative distance 25cm etc. that does not apply to Recce. Initiative PHASE does however during which it may for example, attempt to "spot" an enemy unit (it does not require LOS to said unit in order to "spot"it)To do this measure the distance to the enemy unit, you need to throw 1xD6 and require one pip for every 10cm. your recce is from the unit ie. you are 40cm. away, so on your D6 you need 4,5 or 6 to successfully communicate to the NEAREST command unit.(again, LOS not required) Don't forget that FAO/FAC are also command units and if either of those are nearer than any of your HQ's then it is them that you would have to communicate with. The chances are it will be a HQ or your CO you wish to communicate with, so, be carefull where you place your FAC/FAO Good luck, Ivan. |
Dr Dave
 Joined 08/10/07 Last Visit 04/11/19 936 Posts
Posted on 14 February 2012 at 18:15:19 GMT Pete says: "That's right, just order them with any CO/HQ you like." What about the formations and rigid doctrine then? Are recce seperate to this?  |
big dave
 Joined 10/05/07 Last Visit 17/11/16 937 Posts
Posted on 15 February 2012 at 00:06:57 GMT I think reece should be seperate. Thats how we treat them anyway. |
ivan the reasonable
 Joined 08/12/06 Last Visit 07/08/12 67 Posts
Posted on 15 February 2012 at 09:57:45 GMT Recce units are not part of any formation. See P42 second para. They can be ordered by any Command unit. If Recce have to "fall back" they may fall back further than 10cm. and are not knocked out. Ivan. |
 Joined 06/02/12 Last Visit 22/10/15 27 Posts
Posted on 20 February 2012 at 07:02:37 GMT at ivan: I think that´s not all correct... Recce do not have to have LOS to the nearest Command Unit to communicate with it, but they do have to have LOS to a enemy unit in order to spot it. The measurement you desrcirbe does indeed refer to the distance to the spotted enemy unit. The Tac Doc´s initiative range does count for recce units in order to fire, because if a recce unit doesn´t play their recce role (spotting and communication), they act nearly as a normal combat unit in the initiative phase. That´s how I read the rules... ;-) |
ivan the reasonable
 Joined 08/12/06 Last Visit 07/08/12 67 Posts
Posted on 20 February 2012 at 10:24:56 GMT Ragnard65, Hi, Recce do not require LOS to an enemy unit, the point of the Recce having to measure the distance between the two and throw the D6 is to see if the enemy unit has been spotted or not. If the D6 was successfull then the enemy has been spotted. Simples  Yes you're right about the Tac/Doc and initiative when not using Recce for communication. Ivan.  |
ivan the reasonable
 Joined 08/12/06 Last Visit 07/08/12 67 Posts
Posted on 20 February 2012 at 12:07:03 GMT Ragnar65, Sorry, misread your post!  |
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