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ImageImageImageCurrent Topic Bit of Close Assault confusion
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United Kingdom
Joined 17/10/08
Last Visit 11/03/15
332 Posts
Posted on 26 August 2011 at 10:11:17 GMT
Hi Pete,

I've trawled through the old posts but couldn't find an answer, so here goes.....

Say there are 2 German units in a house. Assaulting them are 2 British units, who each have another unit in support.

Does each German unit only get a chance to fire ONCE at ONE attacking or supporting unit? Or do they get to fire at EVERYTHING that assaults AND supports?

So, would each German unit fire 4 times (at both assaulting units and both supporting units). Or 2 times (at one assaulting unit and one support unit). Or only once (at one assaulting OR supporting unit).

The examples and text in the book are a little confusing.

Hope you can help.


Joined 05/02/04
Last Visit 07/05/19
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Posted on 26 August 2011 at 10:59:05 GMT
To add to the confusion, it depends! Once a unit is engaged in an assault, it can't fire. Other than that, any units within 10cm and LOS can fire.
carl luxford
United Kingdom
Joined 03/03/06
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Posted on 26 August 2011 at 11:53:25 GMT
Are we back to issue of order of the assaults?

So if two simultaneous assaults on two defending German units then each German can fire once at its attacker and each support unit can fire once before the assaulters make contact?

If its not simple like that then I am getting lost!!

Albie Bach
United Kingdom
Joined 09/03/09
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Posted on 26 August 2011 at 15:07:14 GMT
I agree with Carl.
I can see it could be argued that in the Initiative Phase the first Assault could be handled immediately if chosen to do so by the attacker (Move, p10), but why would they? Especially if it allowed the defending stands to fire twice. The only reason I can think of is if they want to assault the same unit a second time if the first assault fails - but that's a long shot.
We all know you should try your best to suppress any defending stands (and their potential supports) before assaulting so they can't fire at you, and that this is easier said than done. But sometimes you've just got to go for it, in which case good luck.
New Zealand
Joined 04/06/04
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Posted on 26 August 2011 at 19:54:22 GMT
Johnboy, in your example, both German units could fire at the first British unit as it moves in contact. Assuming it gets there, it then ties up the first German unit.

The second British unit then moves into contact with the second German unit, and gets shot at by them only. The British supporting units then move into support range (and aren't shot at at all), and combat commences.

Now, if both German units were suppressed, the British units wouldn't get shot at at all....
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