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United Kingdom
Joined 18/05/11
Last Visit 04/03/12
29 Posts
Posted on 02 June 2011 at 23:31:24 GMT
I'm about to receive 18 "Sdkfz 250"s as part of a WWII armour package deal, and I was wondering what use they might be in BKCII terms. Ten are standard, but 8 have 20mm cannons. Might they serve as Sdkfz 251/1s and 251/10s? I'm a little clueless about WWII armoured vehicles.
United Kingdom
Joined 18/05/11
Last Visit 01/04/12
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Posted on 02 June 2011 at 23:35:29 GMT
Not so important - I looked a little later in the war, and found they have the same stats, so no biggie =]
The Netherlands
Joined 09/11/05
Last Visit 18/12/24
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Posted on 03 June 2011 at 07:30:40 GMT
Sounds like you also have Sdfz 250/9 there, the recce variant armed with a 20mm gun in a small turret. Which has it's own entry in the list.
Joined 09/08/04
Last Visit 25/11/17
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Posted on 03 June 2011 at 08:39:59 GMT
Does sound like the 250/9 which equipped the 2. Panzerspah Company of a Panzer divisions Aufklarungs Abteilung. This had 4 platoons of 2 x 250/5 (use 250/1) and 4 x 250/9. So you have enough for 2 platoons at 1:1 and 2 companies at platoon scale. 250/1 transported the 3. & 4. companies which were basically Panzer Grenadier companies. Shortages of 250/1 meant that some of these got 251/1, Kubelwagens, Schwimmwagens or Motorcycles instead. The bttln also had 2 Armoured Car companies (1 8 wheel, 1 4 wheel) and a Heavy company although the variations on these is almost endless, I don't think there were 2 the same in Normandy.

A few links for you;

There were some field modifications which put a 20mm gun on a 250 which were used like the 250/10 in 10.SS & 21. Panzer but I doubt the models you are getting represent those.
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