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ImageImageImageCurrent Topic Assault into linear terrain
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United Kingdom
Joined 01/11/05
Last Visit 16/09/12
12 Posts
Posted on 05 December 2010 at 10:10:54 GMT
This one cropped up yesterday:

2x Infantry, 1x MG behind a linear terrain obstacle. One infantry is in contact with it, the others a couple of CM behind. The infantry team in contact is assaulted by the enemy from beyond the obstacle.

Are the other infantry team and MG able to fire into the assaulting enemy unit at any time?

In our game, the defending infantry team was knocked out. Could the remaining infantry and MG do anything about the enemy if they then consolidated away from the linear obstacle?
Joined 05/02/04
Last Visit 07/05/19
3793 Posts
Posted on 05 December 2010 at 10:18:32 GMT
"Are the other infantry team and MG able to fire into the assaulting enemy unit at any time?"

No, but they can support the assault.

"Could the remaining infantry and MG do anything about the enemy if they then consolidated away from the linear obstacle?"

Not during the assault apart from supporting it.
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