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ImageImageImageCurrent Topic Falling Back - units in trenches/fortifications
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United Kingdom
Joined 07/01/10
Last Visit 01/03/12
22 Posts
Posted on 23 September 2010 at 11:52:58 GMT

We struggled a bit with this given the bullets on page 21 - as we couldn't understand why specific reference was made to dug-in or troops in fortifications being Ko'ed when they fall back further than 10cm.

The first bullet already states that units that fall back more than 10cm are Ko'ed so the referene to dug-in etc. seemed redundant.

In the end we played it that my opponents troops in their trenches did not have to fall back AT ALL unless they were forced to fall back more than 10cm in which case they were KO'ed.

It just seemed that troops in protective positions would be more able to hunker down and weather out the storm.

Did we play that correctly?


United Kingdom
Joined 17/10/08
Last Visit 11/03/15
332 Posts
Posted on 23 September 2010 at 12:01:50 GMT
Hi Andy, this is covered in the Errata - it says that Dug-in (entrenched)units and deployed guns remain where they are unless the fall-back rolls are more than 10cm, in which case they're dead.

So, yeah, you played it right! Smile
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