Posted on 23 September 2010 at 01:39:34 GMT Played a great game tonight! Brtist seizing their objective on Turn 7 for a minor Victory! On turn 5 - I had two British infantry units within initiative and movement range of one of my opponents Panzer IVs. One was in position to assault the rear and one the flank of the Panzer. Neither unit could be shot at on the way in as they were out of LOS of the tank and my opponent had left it unsupported with no other units within 10cm! I assault moved both units in - the one attacking the flank had to do so through a hedge. This is how we worked out the attacks - please could you confirm we played it correctly. Panzer IV rolled 1 dice needing a 4+ to hit (3 basic, with -1 for being attacked in flank and another -1 for being attacked in the rear. Any hit secured by the PzIV would be allocated to my unit attacking its flank. My unit assaulting the flank rolled 5 dice, (4 basic with +1 for assaulting) needing 5+ to hit due to attacking over a hedge. My unit attacking the rear rolled 5 dice (4 basic with +1 for assaulting) needing 4+ to hit. If either of my unit's seured any hits on the Panzer IV its save would be reduced to 6+ due to being hit in the flank/rear. Did we play it right? Regards Andy |