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United Kingdom
Joined 07/01/10
Last Visit 01/03/12
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Posted on 19 September 2010 at 09:29:49 GMT
Yes - I finally managed to get my table set up and get a game going - a 1500pt British Battalion Hasty Assault to capture high ground from a reinforced German company.

Moving onto turn 3 a couple of questions have come up.

Initiative - I assume that the attacker in any sceanrio always takes the first Player turn?

Mobile Deployment - if a HQ fails to successfully order its group to move onto the table (that -1 for units only moving 10cm is a killer!) - cna the CO attempt to order the group on with te happropriate mod of course?

Command Blunder - on turn 2 the British tank HQ blundered and then rolled a 9 on the Blunder Table. The lead Sherman unit had to take 8 attacks! What is the to hit number for the attacks - a basic 4+ regardless of thecover the unit is in? Or is it based on the cover state the unit would be in if the closest enemy unit fired at it?

Suppression rolls - Two German PzIV's attacked a Sherman that had already received a hit and inflicted two more unsaved hits. One of the PzIV's had needed 5's to hit, the other needed 4's. What do I need to roll to suppress - 4+ or 5+?

FAO's - do these move at the same time as the other command units i.e. at the end of all friendly actions? I assuem that in Mobile Deployment they automatically move onto the table at the end of all otehr friendly actions?

Recce units - as I understand it these guys do not have to be attached to an HQ? So how do they move in the Command Phase i.e. who issues them orders?

I do appreciate looking at all of teh Q&A's that Recce units seemed to have generated an endless array of questions Smile They almost warrant a specific Q&A in their own right I would say.



Many thanks

Joined 04/06/08
Last Visit 27/08/18
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Posted on 19 September 2010 at 14:11:37 GMT
Some answers:
Command Blunder- I think the hit is based about the cover that the unit is.
Suppression rolls- I think that you must consider the roll for
suppression separately (one with 5+ and one with 4+).
FAO- Move this command like other command units(at the end of the turn).
Recce units- this unit can be ordered by every command (HQ and CO).
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