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Banana Republican
United States
Joined 21/06/10
Last Visit 19/11/10
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Posted on 28 June 2010 at 15:31:58 GMT

I had a couple of questions about the army list random points modifier.

1. Do any of the lists in BKC-II actually have modifiers, or were they all omitted? In the explanation section, the author specifically mentioned Germany and U.S. '44 forces as examples of instances where the random points modifier would simulate those nations' military situations, but none of the '44-'45 lists for Germany or the U.S. list random points modifiers. Similarly, I can't find any examples in any of the other BKC-II lists, and I only found 3 in CWC. ???

2. The book indicates that the modifier percentage should be applied to both a battlegroup's point total, and to the victory points calculation. This doesn't make sense to me in light of the claims that this mechanism is supposed to allow clever gameplay to triumph over a larger point army. If a player rolls a -25% modifier and therefore begins with a smaller army, why should they also suffer a -25% victory point penalty?

It seems to me like they should get a +25% victory point modifier, as they have 'done more with less.' Similarly, someone who rolls a +25% modifier shouldn't also get a +25% victory point gift because they steamrolled over a smaller force.

Am I not interpreting the RPM mechnanism correctly?

Joined 05/02/04
Last Visit 07/05/19
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Posted on 28 June 2010 at 19:45:13 GMT
1. They were omitted.

2. Wrong way round - deduct the RPM difference from your casualty points. It means you suffer less if you have fewer troops.
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