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Joined 20/03/05
Last Visit 25/02/11
228 Posts
Posted on 18 June 2010 at 14:42:43 GMT
If an HQ or CO calls in artillery, I assume this is considered an action. Is this the only action the command unit may do (e.g., other units may not move/shoot etc)?

Goomba Fletch
United Kingdom
Joined 30/04/10
Last Visit 03/11/13
84 Posts
Posted on 18 June 2010 at 15:10:07 GMT
I understood calling artillery to be the same as issuing an order to any other unit.
Joined 05/02/04
Last Visit 07/05/19
3793 Posts
Posted on 18 June 2010 at 15:53:42 GMT
It works the same as an FAO calling in artillery, except that the command unit doesn't keep the penalty once he has stopped issuing orders to the artillery.
Joined 20/03/05
Last Visit 02/03/11
228 Posts
Posted on 18 June 2010 at 17:15:57 GMT
Just to be clear.....

HQ rolls and gets 1 action -- units advance and spot some enemy while within 20 of HQ.
HQ decides to call in artillery from observation by troops -- rolls against FAO CV and gets the guns. Effects applied as usual (deviation calculated from observing stand).
HQ rolls for another action, but applies just a -1 for second action (artillery call-in was basically 'free').

Is this right?

Joined 05/02/04
Last Visit 07/05/19
3793 Posts
Posted on 18 June 2010 at 19:02:55 GMT
Sort of - the artillery would count as being a new unit or set of units, so you can't go back to the other troops once you call in the artillery.
Joined 20/03/05
Last Visit 02/03/11
228 Posts
Posted on 18 June 2010 at 21:40:43 GMT
OK, thanks. I think that something that seems a bit confusing is the use of the FAO's CV for doing this action since otherwise it appears like the HQ or CO performing their own action as usual.

United Kingdom
Joined 07/07/04
Last Visit 03/05/21
255 Posts
Posted on 03 January 2011 at 21:00:15 GMT
Some further questions about the US Close Artillery Support rule that came up in our games today:
The rule says any command unit can try to call in artillery support.
1. I assume this means any CO, HQ, FAO or FAC as it refers to 'any command'.
The rule also says that the LOS is that of any infantry or infantry support unit within 20cm of the command unit.
2. I assume that this means that the command unit does not have to be trying to order the observing unit as the 'observing' function does not count as an action for the observer.
3. Can the observing unit observe if it is suppressed?
4. Does the -1 modifier for ordering (artlllery) units not in your formation apply? I assume so as the artillery units are normally assigned to the FAO, although I guess the player could choose to assign them to another command unit at the start of the game.
5. Does the -1 modifier for ordering units not in your formation apply if the observer unit is not in your formation? I assume not as you are not actually ordering the observing unit to do anything.
6. If the command unit has a command bonus because of a successful recce roll, does the bonus count for the close artillery support rolls?
7. If the command unit blunders when trying to call in Close Artillery Support, does this stop the the observing unit from being given any further orders?
8. If a command unit blunders does this stop the artillery units that were to be ordered receiving any further orders from the CO?

Joined 04/06/08
Last Visit 27/08/18
413 Posts
Posted on 04 January 2011 at 02:04:13 GMT
Excuse me Cleach, but why do you calculate the deviation for
support artillery?
Joined 04/06/08
Last Visit 27/08/18
413 Posts
Posted on 04 January 2011 at 12:30:24 GMT
Cleach, excuse for my question, I have confused the special rule of American army with artillery support units.
Leader I give you my opinion about some of your questions
2) Yes
3) No
4) No -1
5) NO-1
6) I think you must choose if +1 is for request artillery or
for CV of the nearest HQ.
7) No
8) No
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