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United Kingdom
Joined 04/02/10
Last Visit 04/07/14
47 Posts
Posted on 11 May 2010 at 17:10:26 GMT
Hi guys, me again.

A bazooka is an addon to a unit, ans as such has no hits or saves itself, so can I assume that if attacked it uses the same stats as the troops it is assigned to when being shot at?

Also can a bazooka shoot at a vehicle carrying troops, example :- a truck or half track?

Joined 17/11/08
Last Visit 23/02/16
124 Posts
Posted on 11 May 2010 at 17:45:02 GMT

"A bazooka is an addon to a unit, ans as such has no hits or saves itself, so can I assume that if attacked it uses the same stats as the troops it is assigned to when being shot at? "

Yes, the infantry upgrade as bazooka is just that. Just an upgrade. It gives an AT rating for a single infantry unit of your choosing. It doesn't add a base/stand/unit to your forces.

"Also can a bazooka shoot at a vehicle carrying troops, example :- a truck or half track?"

Going by the rules:

You fire with your regular infantry unit AP value against a loaded truck. If the truck is destroyed by this fire the passenger unit is destroyed. If the truck shot at is not destroyed the passegers deploy out in contact with the truck suppressed.


Against a loaded halftrack you fire with your infantry upgraded AT value. If the halftrack is destroyed by this fire the passenger unit is destroyed. If the halftrack is not destroyed the passagers can choose if they'll deploy out suppressed or stay in unharmed(while the halftrack might get surpressed).

iAugustus //going by his memory without the rule book..Huh?
United Kingdom
Joined 04/02/10
Last Visit 23/02/16
47 Posts
Posted on 12 May 2010 at 13:38:13 GMT
Cheers that's great
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