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ImageImageImageCurrent Topic Delaying/Cancelling Scheduled Assets
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Joined 17/11/08
Last Visit 14/02/16
124 Posts
Posted on 06 April 2010 at 14:27:00 GMT

Here's one for Pete. Scheduled artillery and aircraft. Page 8 I believe is the only part that talks about cancelling and delaying them. The section doesn't go into nitty-gritty detail so I ask what was your intension -IF any- regards the following when writing the rules. Yes one can settle for a house but I'm interested in if you had view on these.

1. Forward observers get -1 for each successive request. Was your idea that cancellation/delaying in the scheduled phase count as request.

I'm reading that they don't count and I guess that failing on cancelling/delaying doesn't stop you from acting during the command phase.

2. Was your idea that you make one roll and fudge all cancellations and delays as you wish or that you make one roll for each target (possibly with multiple assets piled on) or that you make one roll for each asset?

The latter certainly would make it most impractical to cancel a multiasset target.

3. You have assets lined up to be spent by unit on turns say 1, 2, 3 and 5. You want to delay on turn 1. What happens on turn 2? Do you push the whole asset sequence back one turn after the successfull delay on turn 1 or call for a delay each turn?

The latter would of course create problems when you fail to call for a delay on turn 2 and that unit would have two scheduled missions to fire on turn 2.

If do you push back the sequence the question is whether to push back the turn 5 asset or not as there is no asset for turn 4...

Yes, this was nitty-gritty indeed and I'll take a wild guess that you didn't think such details when writing. Feel free to say so if that is the case. But I'm curious if you have an established way how you personally play the above.

Joined 05/02/04
Last Visit 07/05/19
3793 Posts
Posted on 07 April 2010 at 01:37:54 GMT
1. Delaying or cancelling a schedule counts as a request.

2. One per scheduled, so yes, one per target.

3. I never thought about that, but would say only the schedule you delay is moved - the others stay on the turns they were scheduled before the game.
United Kingdom
Joined 03/04/06
Last Visit 27/06/13
102 Posts
Posted on 07 April 2010 at 09:32:10 GMT
So just to confirm, you could end up with a unit firing two assets in a turn?
Joined 05/02/04
Last Visit 07/05/19
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Posted on 07 April 2010 at 09:43:29 GMT
Yes you could do.
Joined 09/08/04
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Posted on 07 April 2010 at 09:43:51 GMT
I would suggest in those circumstances you could only cancel not delay. Imagine the scenario the FO calls the battery commander and asks for the barrage scheduled for point A at 09.00 to be put back to 09.30. The battery commander responds that he is hitting point B then and if that's changed it will screw up the fire plan for the entire day so you take the stonk on point A at 09.00 or never.
Joined 05/02/04
Last Visit 07/05/19
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Posted on 07 April 2010 at 11:29:08 GMT
That's a good idea Smile
Joined 17/11/08
Last Visit 23/02/16
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Posted on 07 April 2010 at 11:40:44 GMT

"1. Delaying or cancelling a schedule counts as a request."

Fair enough. Do you allow more command roll attempts in the command phase after a failed request to cancel/delay during the scheduled phase?

iA //Probably better not to allow two fire missions from a single unit in a single turn. Because you can't do that normally, allowing it after delaying would just lead into cheesy players trying to pile on assets from a single unit that way.
Joined 05/02/04
Last Visit 07/05/19
3793 Posts
Posted on 07 April 2010 at 12:01:11 GMT
Question Do you allow more command roll attempts in the command phase after a failed request to cancel/delay during the scheduled phase?

Answer Yes
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