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ivan the reasonable
Joined 08/12/06
Last Visit 07/08/12
67 Posts
Posted on 18 March 2010 at 15:53:09 GMT
1/ Can I use Brit.6 or 17pd. ATG with indirect fire (C.O/H.Q.)
2/ 25pd.Field Art.on table, how is this used for the British, is it commanded by C.O./H.Q. when it is on table or by a FAO? I am not entirely sure about what the difference is between :Artiller/Infantry Guns/Anti Tank Guns. Any advice? Thanks.
Joined 09/08/04
Last Visit 25/11/17
567 Posts
Posted on 18 March 2010 at 16:07:05 GMT
1. no
2. commanded by CO/HQ can only target individual stands rather than using template see link
United Kingdom
Joined 19/11/04
Last Visit 24/03/16
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Posted on 18 March 2010 at 17:29:25 GMT

1. Units listed as AT are all direct fire flat trajectory weapons i.e. they need line of sight to their targets. This is also true of the AT guns listed as infantry support e.g. the 6pdr in UK service. They fire on command of the CO/HQ.

2. Artillery are either (a) listed as Artillery Support, in which case the guns are on table and fire at individual targets on the command of the CO or HQ, or (b) as Artillery that are off table in which case they fire only once per turn on command of the FAO or as 'scheduled' fire in either case using a template.

3. Infantry guns and mortars fire at individual target units but because they tend to have a high trajectory can eitehr fire direct or at an enemy unit that is in LOS of a friendly unit within 20cm of their HQ.

Hope this helps.

jim ando
United Kingdom
Joined 28/01/07
Last Visit 04/06/13
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Posted on 18 March 2010 at 20:40:09 GMT

It states that on table artillery can be used the same as infantry guns (ie indirect). However infanry guns can use a friendly unit in the same formation that is within 20cm of the formation HQ as a spotter. If artillery are on table but are in their own formation(with other artillery and an HQ)who could spot for them as the HQ can`t .

United States
Joined 27/04/04
Last Visit 02/09/13
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Posted on 19 March 2010 at 00:34:13 GMT
Where does it state " are in their own formation(with other artillery and an HQ)"?

What I am reading is that they "act in axactly the same way as infantry guns"

ivan the reasonable
Joined 08/12/06
Last Visit 07/08/12
67 Posts
Posted on 19 March 2010 at 16:17:10 GMT
Thanks all, (yes that did help)Smile,whilst your in the mood (as it were)what provoked my question was the note on P70 re: Artillery Support for the British in NWE and am still not clear as to what that refers to ,is it the OFF board or the ON board Artillery that is unavailable? Ivan.
jim ando
United Kingdom
Joined 28/01/07
Last Visit 04/06/13
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Posted on 19 March 2010 at 16:33:34 GMT

It doesn`t state that they have to be in their own formation. I was asking a question regarding if a player was to group artillery on table in it`s own formation(ie a battery, battalion or regiment with it`s own HQ)and it used the infantry gun rule then who could spot for indirect fire.

Joined 05/02/04
Last Visit 07/05/19
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Posted on 19 March 2010 at 16:45:55 GMT
Ivan, it says "no artillery support units are available", which are on-table artillery units. Read the section on p.26 for details.
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