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Antoine B
Joined 20/09/09
Last Visit 19/11/24
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Posted on 23 January 2010 at 02:43:11 GMT
we had a game last night and I do have a question about the hidden troops.
In the 1st edition, provision was made for hidden units with dummies.
I can't find any such rule in BKCII.
What we did was that my opponent noted on a scratch paper the location of his hidden units.
The most boring game I ever had.
How do you guys solve this problem? Just using the "concealed troops" rules of page 6?
carl luxford
United Kingdom
Joined 03/03/06
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Posted on 23 January 2010 at 04:50:50 GMT

In my BKC1 games we often asked each other to make maps or sketch maps, (something many rules do, eg DBM) to record where hidden troops are located at start of the game. (Strictly speaking this should only occur in defence v attack games, but we often made up our own scenarios where both sides could begin with hidden troops.)

Then ask opponents to put this paper face down on table top till the units are found or reveal themselves by shooting, etc..

The biggest problem was the forgotten units, when players forgot what they had put on these sketches!!

Far from being boring we played a whole series of games, often around premise of delaying actions in Italy after Allies landed on mainland Italy; where there would be a few defending units, all hiddden, (sometimes limited to parts of the table top and somemtimes anywhere) perhaps defending one or more bridges or a road through a pass (over hills / mountains) and the attackers would begin on their baseline, with knowledge that before them there is enemy but not where. The attackers task was to find and eliminate, or by pass, (depeneding on our scenario) these enemy asap.
It made for a lot of suspense rather than boredom. You have to trust your opponent, and learn to take turns in these roles, and or use an umpire.

On other occasions we had simple attack versus defender and again, the enemy lines may be known roughly but not where exactly so you had to find and destroy or by-pass enemy units in trenches or defences etc..

I think there may have been other emails on this topic recently but I canot recall where exactly.

Best wishes

Carl Luxford
Antoine B
Joined 20/09/09
Last Visit 19/11/24
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Posted on 23 January 2010 at 09:58:10 GMT
Maybe the thing is I don't trust my opponent at all ! Grin
(sorry Jeff!)
Joined 03/05/09
Last Visit 03/04/18
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Posted on 23 January 2010 at 11:43:02 GMT
Nebelwerfers pounding... so good !! Grin
Joined 20/03/05
Last Visit 02/03/11
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Posted on 23 January 2010 at 18:00:35 GMT
I posted my Hidden rules in the houserules section along with m y other (now reduced) additions.
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