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Blitzkrieg Commander, 1936-45
BKC-II Rule Queries
First reading..
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Joined 07/01/10
Last Visit 01/03/12
22 Posts
Posted on 07 January 2010 at 23:39:21 GMT
Hi guys
Just picked up BKC II - looks excellent. To date I've been playing the Schwere Kompanie rules which I enjoy but they take no account of command at all.
I have a couple of questions:
1. If some units in a Formation have Opp fired or used Initiative then does the -1 to the Command roll apply to all of the units in the formation. I.e. a HQ (CV8)is trying to issue orders to a formation including two units which have Opp fired. The HQ rolls an '8' - can the units that didn't Opp Fire still take an action?
I guess the same question arises in a situation where an HQ with Normal Doctrine is trying to issue orders to its own Formation PLUS units from a different formation.
2. Before a Command roll is made does each units action (and if it is firing - its target) need to be indiated before the die is rolled. The rules state that each unit's action needds to be declared but in the example of play it appears as if the command roll is made first before the action is declared.
3. Can a CO try and issue orders to more than one formation if more than one formation failed to receive any orders from their HQs?
Apologies for the seriously 'newbie' questions!
Joined 05/02/04
Last Visit 07/05/19
3793 Posts
Posted on 08 January 2010 at 01:05:59 GMT
Welcome aboard, Andy
1. The -1 applies to the formation if either of the two that opp fire are included. If they are not included, it doesn't apply.
2. Yes it does
3. Yes, as long as it doesn't fail a command roll
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