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United Kingdom
Joined 05/03/08
Last Visit 05/06/12
190 Posts
Posted on 14 October 2009 at 04:22:41 GMT
When playing a campaign do you deduct the losses from the starting battlegroup and then add the reinforcements after, or does the starting battlegroup remain in tact despite losses in games?

Thanks in anticipation of your answers.
AJ at the bank
United Kingdom
Joined 23/09/07
Last Visit 14/06/24
335 Posts
Posted on 18 October 2009 at 04:39:31 GMT
The seem to indicate -
1)Both players have the same number of start points (note they will not use them in every scenario)
2)Adust these start points by the random points modifiers
3)These are the final start campaign points
4)Select your campaign units list
5)Select the first scenario, and points to be used from the campaign units list for your battlegroup to be played
6)Play the scenario as normal..
7)At the end of the scenario, work out the victory type - this requires counting each sides losses
8)Remove any casualties from the campaign units list (effectively whats left of your battlegroup returns to the campaign list)
9)Roll "0%/10%/25%/50% of the final starting points to spend on reinforcements". Argueable whether this is applied to the original start points (both sides the same), or to the final starting points as calculated by stage (3) above. Perhaps Pete will confirm on this. If applied to original start points this will tend to help even out historical differences over time. If applied to the final start makes that first campaign roll even more important!
10)Spend the reinforcement points on new units to add to the campaign list.

Hope this helps
United Kingdom
Joined 05/03/08
Last Visit 02/08/12
190 Posts
Posted on 18 October 2009 at 04:47:19 GMT
Thanks AJ, I suspected this is the way it worked, but wanted something in 'writing' to confirm it before I devise the campaign. This will save any arguments at a later date.

The campaign will consist of late war Germans v late war Allies, both starting with 5000pts (we play 20mm so the ground scale precludes larger forces), so with the method above it will provide a realistic effect for the Germans running out of stuff and the Allies building up masses from the beach-head. I hope to post the progress in the Battles thread.Smile
AJ at the bank
United Kingdom
Joined 23/09/07
Last Visit 14/06/24
335 Posts
Posted on 18 October 2009 at 05:47:32 GMT
Sounds great!
Keep us posted.
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