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Joined 17/10/06
Last Visit 24/05/17
101 Posts
Posted on 25 September 2009 at 00:53:00 GMT
A small question:

Can only engineers on foot demolish lets say Hedgehogs or Dragontooth ATK obstacles or is it also possible with a Crabtank as they are also engineers?
United Kingdom
Joined 08/12/05
Last Visit 18/05/15
260 Posts
Posted on 25 September 2009 at 10:00:21 GMT
I would say no to a Sherman Crab - as it is a purely anti-mine vehicle.

Possibly yes to a Churchill ARVE, but not sure that its that practical in the time scale of the game.

Hedgehogs are rather weaker and more improvised so should be easier to get rid of, with a well placed explosive charge. Dragon's teeth seem a bit too strong and permanent to be easily removed during a battle. Not sure if the various ARVE bobbins / bridgelayers / fascines could be used against them though?
Joined 05/02/04
Last Visit 07/05/19
3793 Posts
Posted on 25 September 2009 at 12:14:59 GMT
I found out something recently that I hadn't heard of before - the Russians used remote controlled T-26s during the Winter War for demolition, but they didn't work out so well as the Finns just blew them up!
Dr Dave
Joined 08/10/07
Last Visit 04/11/19
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Posted on 25 September 2009 at 12:47:16 GMT
Dragons teeth would normally deployed in some depth - not in a single line! Hence, it might take, say 10 hits to clear a path for a troop of tanks. I'd be inclined to limit it to engineers on foot with plentiful demo charges and AP rounds tend to penetrate (but not shatter) reinforced concrete.
Sancho Panzer
United Kingdom
Joined 16/03/08
Last Visit 11/04/11
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Posted on 25 September 2009 at 13:28:47 GMT
Panzer divisions in 1940 each had 10 Pz.I's in the Engineer battalion with a frame carrying a demolition charge - haven't come across reports of their successful use though.
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