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United Kingdom
Joined 04/06/04
Last Visit 02/05/19
3 Posts
Posted on 01 May 2019 at 07:54:50 GMT
This rule is inherent across the rules sets and has been copied to bkc4.
It states the score required to communicate will be 1 per full 10cm ie 1 upto 10cm, 2 up to 20 etc. Further on it states 1 is always a fail.
This doesn't make sence as you need a minimum or 2 for any distance up to 20cm.
Big Insect
United Kingdom
Joined 27/04/10
Last Visit 12/10/20
453 Posts
Posted on 01 May 2019 at 12:06:22 GMT
Hi there

Answer is on the Pendraken Forum, but it is an error (a cut over from BKCIII)

The idea is that a score of a 1 to spot/communicate and to reconnoiter should both be a fail on a roll of a 1

This is to represent a communications failure, rather than an inability to see what's going on close up.

There are a few cut-over errors (not a huge amount) but we are getting an errata sheet sorted and an updated PDF will come out.

The army lists will always be a bit of an issue - getting every-bodies favorite WW2 vehicles in the list is a huge and thankless task but we are getting there.

Thanks for your support ... cheers
United Kingdom
Joined 04/06/04
Last Visit 25/09/21
3 Posts
Posted on 02 May 2019 at 07:14:03 GMT
The point is it is ambiguous, when it first states you need a 1, then on the next line states ones are failures. In reading more I'm now using upto 20cm on a 2 plus then incrementing it up by one per 10cm over that. But at 10cm you should be able to see things in plain sight, granted that coms aren't the best of things. But the rule needs to be clear, in that 1 can't be both a score to succeed and always a fail.

A note you also need to add the same errata to CWC and FWC, as they both have the same oversight.
Big Insect
United Kingdom
Joined 27/04/10
Last Visit 12/10/20
453 Posts
Posted on 02 May 2019 at 18:04:35 GMT
I totally agree clarity is critical - the fact that it appears in CWC and FWC is (in a small way) a comfort to me, as I did not write either of those sets, I am just updating the rules.

We will most certainly pick that up in both CWCII and FWCII and ensure that in future new sets (we have one on the drawing board currently) it will be corrected.

Your support appreciated

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