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United Kingdom
Joined 07/07/04
Last Visit 03/05/21
255 Posts
Posted on 29 December 2013 at 23:09:41 GMT
In our last game the attacker moved units up to the edge of a minefield that ran most of the table and was all ready to start clearing and moving through when disaster struck by rolling a blunder. Worst still was that the blunder ordered all units to move a full move towards the nearest visible enemy!
All nine units moved and all nine were knocked out by the attacks from the minefield, but not really surprising given nearly all took 10 attacks or more!
We thought this a bit harsh as it pretty much meant gsme over for the attacker so we've decided in future we would treat forced movement into minefields as though the minefield was a hidden minefield.
I may be that I'm getting too soft in my old age but in this instance it would probably have resulted in no units being knocked out, a bunch of units being disrupted, and a continuation of the game.
I'm not suggesting the rules need to change, just thought some of you might want to consider it rather than pray it never happens to you! WinkSmile
Joined 05/02/04
Last Visit 07/05/19
3793 Posts
Posted on 30 December 2013 at 01:16:04 GMT
Blunders can't cover every situation, but maybe in this instance, they could treat the minefield as hidden and test that way: ie test for one unit at a time. Maybe they got the wrong co-ordinates and only stopped when one unit was suppressed or KO'd by mines.
United Kingdom
Joined 07/07/04
Last Visit 03/05/21
255 Posts
Posted on 30 December 2013 at 09:04:53 GMT
Exactly, it seemed a better way to handle the situation.
On a related subject, can you use opportunity fire against blundering units?
Joined 05/02/04
Last Visit 07/05/19
3793 Posts
Posted on 30 December 2013 at 09:12:47 GMT
United Kingdom
Joined 14/03/06
Last Visit 03/05/22
229 Posts
Posted on 30 December 2013 at 09:54:09 GMT
It's happened in a couple of FWC games we have played.

One where an entire force of biker dwarfs rolled a blunder and had to move towards the nearest enemy - several eldar IFVs containing infantry. As the elves were within charge range then each dwarf unit had to move individually and receive defensive fire. Not one unit survived

I put it down to fate - shit happens

It was the first FWC game that the guy controlling the dwarfs had played. He is currently undergoing FWC rehab from the gentle hands of GordonM
United Kingdom
Joined 07/07/04
Last Visit 03/05/21
255 Posts
Posted on 30 December 2013 at 15:09:22 GMT
On a previous game we had a couple of units move into base to base contact with enemy units as the result of moving under a blunder. We decided to treat them as close assaults except for the tank unit that ended up in base to base contact with an enemy tank unit as that is not permitted by the rules, but let them exchange point blank firing for the next couple of orders.
It was that occasion that we discussed if you could use opportunity fire against blundering units so thanks for clearing that one up!
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