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ImageImageImageCurrent Topic Fixed FAOs for armies without them
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United Kingdom
Joined 09/03/11
Last Visit 04/04/21
2177 Posts
Posted on 30 August 2013 at 13:23:58 GMT
So, been thinking about FAOs and armies that don't have access to them, and how painful that can be. As Mark B pointed out in recent discussion which also referenced the memoirs of a Soviet arty officer, even the least capable militaries were capable of stringing a field telephone to a battery, and running it to a FAO position (in general*).

Whilst under the context of a BKC game this might not be something you could set up on the fly, I'm half convinced there should be an option for an immobile FAO to represent pre-positioned observers.

Under Hasty or Fixed defence I'm thinking an army without option for a FAO should have a fixed position FAO at CV6 available, a little like a command bunker (but not adding to CV, unless you buy both!).

Say 15pts as normal, stats as normal except no move allowed, if forced to retreat in close combat is overrun and destroyed.

I'd also let them buy them if on the attack and using static deployment. They'd be handy for the first few turns if positioned well but you'd get the classic "we've out run the arty, aieee!" situation which would be good Grin

What do people think?

* e.g. read some stuff on the Japs at Khalkin Go, Bataan and Kohima, and even in prepared, positional warfare allowing them anything other than preplanned assets seems a bit generous!
Joined 05/02/04
Last Visit 07/05/19
3793 Posts
Posted on 30 August 2013 at 13:54:40 GMT
Best try it and see Smile
United Kingdom
Joined 09/03/11
Last Visit 17/07/21
2177 Posts
Posted on 30 August 2013 at 15:08:33 GMT
Thanks Pete, I shall :P

Just wondering what any others thought?!
United Kingdom
Joined 26/03/08
Last Visit 11/03/25
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Posted on 30 August 2013 at 15:42:23 GMT
Good idea Toxic, if I remember I'll give it a go in future games.
United Kingdom
Joined 09/03/11
Last Visit 17/07/21
2177 Posts
Posted on 31 August 2013 at 13:16:14 GMT
I guess paying for a fixed FAO *and* a command post bunker isn't stretching too far - its a fair whack of points so not a "freebie" by any means...
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