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United Kingdom
Joined 10/11/12
Last Visit 13/10/17
34 Posts
Posted on 01 August 2013 at 19:28:11 GMT
Most to all normal army list restrictions apply from BKC2 as it purely and only uses Armour and Anti-Tank units. This was originally a quick-play idea me and a friend had after playing a lengthy 4K battle. It is a little rough around the edges as it is pure tank-on-tank warfare. I may get a little creative and add, in the future, some sort of upgrade system for units.

> Both players agree on a theatre of war; early, mid, late, etc and then agree on points. The use of the points modifier generator isn't rolled yet but eventually I'll find a use for it.

> Both players then to agree if Armoured restrictions apply (i.e; max number of tanks per 1K or battlegroup, one type of tank per battlegroup) or if they are ignored. Ignoring the restrictions adds more choice but also breaks some of the major differences between the different nations.

> Formations are on a 1:1 scale (1 tank = 1 formation) which is suitable for 6mm to 1/72 scale. 6mm requires a smaller playing surface depending on total points used, and playing at larger scale will require a 6'x4' playing surface. Ideally the playing area needs at least 70% filled with LOS obstructing terrain.

> COs and HQs are no longer needed as all tanks are independent. Each player, depending on nation chosen, will use the highest command value from their army list. Rolling 2D6 and issuing orders are played like normal except there are no command ranges or modifiers.

> If there is a Command Blunder (double 6) each unit in your army will gain 1 hit instantly and your turn is over. If you were the second player then the instant 1 hit to all units carries on until the end of the next turn.

> The aim is to destroy the enemy army while retaining at least a single unit from your army. An alternate objective could be a capture all objective markers on the board uncontested until an end phase is reached. 1 tank is enough to capture an objective marker. Any tank with 6 hit points is classed as 2 tanks when claiming an objective marker. If you have more tanks on an objective marker than the enemy then you claim that marker. Contested would be equal amounts on both sides.

> Breakpoints do count in a way, if you reach your breakpoint, then you will suffer a -1 to your command value from then on. If you only have a single tank remaining and do not concede (like me with a Tiger tank) then you are at a -2 to your command value from then on until the unit is destroyed or you win (by sheer luck) the game.

> Example List (the one I used)
Both players agreed on removing the restrictions on armour and limitations, and setting the limit to 2,500 points.
Command Value 9 / Germany Late Eastern Front (p.96)
5x Pzkpfw VI, Tiger 1 [1,150]
9x Pzkpfw IV, 75mm lang [1,260]
United Kingdom
Joined 10/11/12
Last Visit 13/10/17
34 Posts
Posted on 01 August 2013 at 21:21:17 GMT
Nice idea, as I said though this was a post-epic-game spin off we played that I thought I'd share, so contributions welcome. Played it in 6mm with lots of terrain actually created a little tension as I had my Tigers essentially denying the Soviets an entire roadway between the city blocks.

May considers the 1/72 scale idea for my gaming group should it spark some more interest next game night.
United Kingdom
Joined 10/11/12
Last Visit 13/10/17
34 Posts
Posted on 02 August 2013 at 13:40:48 GMT
Settled on a 15mm scale as you can get more tanks for your money and Plastic Soldier Company does some awesome kits. Hopefully will get some sort of demo game bought, glued, and ready for a few months time. Thinking about splitting the tanks into categories; Light, Medium, Heavy. Light has about 5 light tanks, Medium about 3, and Heavy only 1.

May go with Eastern Front again and see how the demo game works out. Not sure if I would call a Panzer 3 a light tank or not though?
United Kingdom
Joined 09/03/11
Last Visit 17/07/21
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Posted on 02 August 2013 at 19:56:37 GMT
I reckon 15mm with PSC & Zvesda is the way forward for this sort of thing - at£3 a tank, you can get a couple of lights, a couple of mediums and a metal/resin heavy for under twenty squids!
United Kingdom
Joined 09/03/11
Last Visit 17/07/21
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Posted on 03 August 2013 at 01:49:54 GMT
I think you did already, they might be in the downloads or links section? I did download and peruse them, looked amusing Smile
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