I'm pondering the possibility of adding these 2 house rules to the mix. They're posted in the BKC section, but of course they'd be just as good (or bad
) for CWC...
- Staff Mode.
At the start of your turn, you may declare that your CO's in staff mode. You cannot use it to issue orders in this turn, or move it in the end phase. If it suffers any hit, even a saved one, or is charged, it loses the benefits of staff mode for the current turn. Staff mode allows you to bank "command points" (CP) that will be allocated to your subordinate HQs and will upgrade their command valie by 1 for each CP spent. When activating your CO, do a normal command roll. If you pass, add 1 CP to your CP bank. Whether successful or not, this ends your CO's activation for this turn. If you fail, this ends your turn. You can allocate up to 23 CPs to any HQ during a turn, boosting its CV by 2. This bonus is stackable with the recon bonus. A CO that suffers hits, is charged, or moves, loses all banked CPs.
Defensive artillery
This tries to simulate that a defender in a