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United States
Joined 27/04/04
Last Visit 27/08/13
82 Posts
Posted on 24 January 2012 at 03:11:27 GMT
My Lady and I have been playing some scenarios from the Fire and Fury page: and ran into the issue of LMG's, 60mm Mortars and 120mm Mortars. I came up with these:

LMG: Move 10, AP 3/40, CA 2, Hits 4 Save -, 30 points

60mm Mortar: Move 10, AT 2/80, AP 2/80, CA 2, Hits 4 Save -, 60 points

120mm Mortar: Still playing around with this and testing it as a Offboard Artillery; either AT 3, AP 3 20cm area or AT 4, AP 4, 15cm area

Comments are appreciated.

Joined 09/08/04
Last Visit 25/11/17
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Posted on 24 January 2012 at 08:44:01 GMT
I don't think I would worry about stats for LMG sections as in BFWWII they are a way of representing units with either very few or a lot of LMG's (sounds strange but that is how it works) I would use AP stats of 2/30 for the former and 4/30 for the latter rather than 3/30 across the board, keeps it simple.

Lt mortars at this level have been discussed quite a bit and stats similar to you suggest have been suggested before. The other idea which I quite like is to go one level up on the mortars i.e. use 81mm stats for 60mm and 120mm stats for 81mm.

I don't know if there are any off board stats for 120mm in the lists but I do know the Brit lists has the 4.2" so those stats could work. You may want to look at having 81mm mortars as off board too.

Are you planning to have a mortar unit for each tube or per section of 2 or 3. Think I prefer the latter as 6 mortars seems far too powerful IMHO.
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