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King Rat
United Kingdom
Joined 19/09/10
Last Visit 12/02/13
10 Posts
Posted on 04 October 2011 at 22:13:47 GMT
I read Ironmax's post about suppression by machineguns. There was also a post by Keith on 3rd Jan on auto suppression which developed into suggestions that mortars and tank guns should be more effective in suppressing dug-in infantry. That seems to leave only rifles that don't work for keeping the enemies' heads down!
I agree that dug in infantry are too hard to suppress, by the time you get a suppression you have probably hit them six times and killed them anyway. But auto-suppression is a bit of a blunt instrument.
Why does the dice score needed to suppress units vary depending on their cover? Units in the open are more likely to be hit and therefore more likely to get suppressed anyway. Why not just 5 or 6 per hit to suppress anyone whatever cover they are in? That seems much simpler and means that if you get about 3 hits on infantry in a trench they will probably get pinned, creating an opportunity to get in quickly with a follow up infantry assault.Smile
United Kingdom
Joined 04/11/08
Last Visit 02/09/13
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Posted on 05 October 2011 at 08:19:45 GMT
In reality suppression would be determined by the units experience.

This isn't really shown in BKC II apart from the no of dice the Inf units have in shooting (& some special rules) If you were to roll suppression against the units shooting value this might work. From memory conscripts role 2 dice, normal troops 3 and veterans 4.

Though this then leaves modifiers needed for cover and possibly the amount of fire they are receiving.

Just some thoughts
Dr Dave
Joined 08/10/07
Last Visit 04/11/19
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Posted on 05 October 2011 at 12:00:25 GMT
We do suppression based upon the units "rating": rubish troops an a 4+, average on 5+, elites / vets of 6 - nothing to do with cover at all. Juyst the number of unsaves hits and them... This is in CWC I think - no rules to hand

United Kingdom
Joined 31/03/06
Last Visit 14/03/15
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Posted on 05 October 2011 at 13:05:18 GMT
All of the above methods work fine, but it's just a matter of your personal preferences. What about any unit can fire to suppress,rather than kill, and then gets a +1 on its hit dice? They always do it in the movies "you keep their heads down while I rush them!"
United Kingdom
Joined 09/03/11
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Posted on 06 October 2011 at 00:16:58 GMT
I always suspect supression is inversely proportional to cover - if a group percieves itself to be in a 'safe' area (ie in cover/trenches/dug in), then even on target ish but ineffective fire is likely to reinforce their decision to stay put...

Conversely if you're in the open/feel vulnerbale then it's more likely to make you flee for cover than hang around...
King Rat
United Kingdom
Joined 19/09/10
Last Visit 12/02/13
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Posted on 08 October 2011 at 10:08:44 GMT
I think toxicpixie has a point.

Also, at the risk of making things more complicated, if suppressed units are hitting the dirt, keeping their heads down in foxholes, buttoning up tank hatches etc...should'nt they be harder to hit or get a better save against subsequent rounds of firing?
big dave
United Kingdom
Joined 10/05/07
Last Visit 17/11/16
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Posted on 21 October 2011 at 00:46:29 GMT
Some units do enjoy reduced suppression dice like paras and I think SS.
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