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Joined 25/10/08
Last Visit 02/01/12
80 Posts
Posted on 31 December 2010 at 02:16:46 GMT
I am looking to play out some 1918 WW1 games in 10mm using BKC. I want to focus on some of the more mobile, less trench bound encounters.

My main aim is to make Command less responsive and artillery harder to control.

Proposed rules modifications:
a) CO's can't move. I'd allow attackers CO to appear at the boards edge if using mobile deployment but that's it. I'd also set the Command Value of CO's appearing using mobile deployment at the same level as regular HQs.
b) FAO's can't move. I wouldn't allow forces using mobile deployment to use FAO's.
c) The Defender should plan artillery concentrations using off board artillery prior to the game. However these concentrations aren't linked to turns but occur when requested. These concentrations can be requested by any HQ or FAO who can see the concentration point but start the turn after the request is sucessful. HQ's operate at -1 from command value when requesting fire.
d)The Attacker should plan artillery concentrations using off board artillery prior to the game. Concentrations should be timed to occur at particular times and rolling barrages are allowed. With a rolling barrage the concentration points moves 10cm forward each turn. HQs and FAO's are restricted to requesting fire to either cease or with rolling barrages jump forward either 10 or 20cm. Again adaptions occur the turn after the request is made.

Any thoughts?
United Kingdom
Joined 14/02/10
Last Visit 27/06/12
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Posted on 31 December 2010 at 17:57:04 GMT

A couple of questions...

What unit level are you planning to game with this?

What are you trying to simulate by these restrictions?

Maybe RIGID DOCTRINE, and possibly reduced CVs would achieve similar ends?
Joined 25/10/08
Last Visit 02/01/12
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Posted on 01 January 2011 at 06:59:13 GMT
a) Unit Level: 1 stand to a platoon and putting roughly an attacking Regiment on the table.
b) While rigid doctrine and low CV levels would simulate the right Command effects they wouldn't achieve the same aim for artillery.

Actually it's doubtful if a WW1 Regimental commander had any less means of C3 than a 1940 Regimental commander so command changes may not be required.

However WW1 artillery control was much less flexible than that available in late WW2. So you can't use artillery to snipe at particular targets in the way the current rules allow. This was the reason that the German's attached Minenwerfers and field guns to infantry formations to give the infantry some capacity to engage local targets.

However restricting the numbers of FAOs and giving them low CV may produce the desired effect of forcing players to rely on scheduled fire.
United Kingdom
Joined 14/02/10
Last Visit 27/06/12
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Posted on 01 January 2011 at 18:42:18 GMT
My impression was that, by 1918, you've got two approaches to the subject:

The Germans have Herr Bruchmuller's wonderfully intricate arrangements of scheduled and called for fires, and, as you say, allocated support to low level commanders to give immediate ad hoc support...

The British have a system of calling fires that conforms more closely to that seen in WW2 (with reliance on wire over wireless) - with control of the artillery assets retained at a higher level than the Germans, but authority to call fires devolved ... this difference was perpetuated into WW2 (iirc)...
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