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Joined 20/03/05
Last Visit 25/02/11
228 Posts
Posted on 01 August 2010 at 17:10:28 GMT
Hi All:

In June we played a lot of BKC and it gave me a chance to revisit my old houserules and get new ideas from the guys. Speed of play is crucial for my group as we have only about 3 hours. One member of the group, Michael, suggested having kills retained from one turn to the next but allow some of them to be rallied off in the End Phase.

Of course, Pete already has the Static Hits option in the book whereby you retain all hits.

Inspired by another idea from one of the group, I am going to try Static Hits with a new command action: Rally

Rally is done in the command phase and constitutes an action. To ensure speed of play I allow Fragile units to rally 1 hit, Regs 2, and elites 3. No die rolls, the rallying is automatic (just like the usual end phase) but at the cost of an action.


P.s. we went back to my revised initiative phase actions based on visible enemy, not visible enemy within initiative distance. Allowable actions: fire, move to cover, deploy. NO close assaults allowed in initiative, but the -1 for assaulting is removed in the command phase. Doctrine distance no longer apply to the defunct initiative distances but are applied to the command radius (replacing the generic 20cm).
United Kingdom
Joined 07/08/07
Last Visit 24/10/12
220 Posts
Posted on 03 August 2010 at 18:27:44 GMT
Rally removing hits I wonder where I've heard that before; oh yeah.....
Joined 20/03/05
Last Visit 02/03/11
228 Posts
Posted on 03 August 2010 at 20:05:18 GMT
Nothing new here, quite right, lots of games have this option. Although I resisted the notion of retaining hits (Static Hits) I can see the advantage in speeding play, but I wanted a way for officers to knock their men into shape if opportunity arose. Hence the rallying off hits option.

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