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Joined 20/03/05
Last Visit 25/02/11
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Posted on 06 July 2010 at 19:43:32 GMT
In spite of my heart felt desire to avoid many additional houserules for BKCII, comments from my fellow gamers and my own preferences has resulted in the following clarifications, additions and amendments. Most of these are ones developed for BKC and are still relevant. Many are about us using 20mm models and also the need to speed play. I hope these are interesting to some of you.

1. Measurements
1.5 extension using a special measuring stick/dowel. Artillery templates stay the same since model basing is similar to book rules.

For targeting, measure from the front of the firing base to any point on the target; any part of the target base that is visible counts for targeting, but the whole of the firer base frontage must be unobstructed.

2. Visibility, spotting, and dense terrain
Use the CWC definitions for spotting and terrain: units must be at the edge of area terrain etc. to see out and be seen (like a hedge etc.). Note concealment rules (infantry visible to 5cm, not 10cm).

Units MAY move into dense terrain during initiative and the command phase without a command roll penalty; stop on the edge (inside or outside edge). Moving through or out from terrain causes a -1 modifier in the command phase. No initiative movement allowed through or out from dense terrain.

3. Tank riders: Clarification
When targeted with artillery (indirect or direct HE) or air strikes with bombs, the tank and tank riders are rolled for separately for effects. Dismount survivors, suppressed or not. Tank riders fired on with small arms are in the open – the tank is ignored. Dismount, survivors, suppressed or not. Direct AT fire (including aircraft rockets and cannons) on the tank will kill one of the riders if the tank is KOed. Otherwise the riders dismount suppressed if the tank is suppressed.

While infantry are mounted on the tanks they are controlled by the tank formation HQ. Only when dismounted (either because of enemy action or due to a tank HQ command to dismount) does their own HQ take over their control. If this occurs after one or more actions by the transport, these actions must be accounted for by the infantry HQ as minus modifiers. If the infantry HQ has already performed its command phase, the dismounted infantry may not perform further actions.

4. Units and Morale tests: Breakpoints
Use the ‘End Game’ morale test for formations instead of complete battle groups. At 50 percent losses or more, roll a command throw for the unit at the beginning of the player’s turn; -1 to the CV for each additional unit lost over 50% combat units. If the command roll is a failure the formation is broken and removed. Otherwise, the formation functions normally and proceeds to its turn. Roll again each turn that more casualties are suffered by the Formation.

5. LOS/LOF and terrain
Units at the edge or behind a terrain feature always have an LOS/LOF that is restricted (90 degree total arc). This arc extends from the unit in cover perpendicular to the edge of the terrain feature even if the unit is touching the edge of the terrain with its flank. A unit attempting to observe the unit inside/behind the terrain must also be within that same 90 degree arc. This applies to all ‘high’ terrain types including tall hedges, woods, buildings or fortifications (the embrasures), but not entrenchments and low walls.

LOS and Hills:
A unit spotting from a hill can see over low linear terrain such as hedges and walls. In addition, there is a 5cm ‘dead zone’ behind said features into which the observer on the hill may not spot. This allows units to ‘disappear’ and become concealed on the opposite side of the hedge even when in contact with the feature and in LOS to units on the hill.

6. Transport
Transport units may carry the number of units as indicated in CWC: Small 1; HT/small truck 2; Truck 3. If the transport is KOed one transported unit is also killed; other units dismount suppressed.

7. Reverse Movement
All movement is measured from the front of the unit; the unit front is always perpendicular to the direction of movement. Pivots and turns are not penalized, but a unit may reverse up to 5cm only maintaining its frontage to the enemy. Note that the 5cm in reverse can be then combined with a turn and the balance of a normal move. This allows a unit to withdraw a short distance with its frontal armour facing the enemy or withdraw out of LOS (e.g., into a wood from a position at its edge) and avoid Opportunity Fire which is only allowed after movement is initiated.

8. Infantry AT Weapon stands
If an infantry stand with an ATW is killed, move the AT trait to the next nearest stand. In other words, a battalion will never lose its allotment of AT weapons. This avoids artificial targeting of such stands.

9. End of turn removal of hits
Instead of removing all hits, remove 1 if unit is Fragile, 2 if Regular, and 3 if Elite. Remaining hits carry over to the next turn as though suffered in that turn (e.g., for the purposes of Close Assault calculations).

10. Initiative actions
One of the following actions per unit with LOS to visible enemy:
*Move to cover (even if closer to enemy but must get to the cover; no assaults). Units at the edge of terrain may withdraw out of LOS.
*Deploy (unlimber/debus)

This amendment allows for shoot and scoot tactics: shoot in initiative (no Opp fire allowed) and withdraw into/behind cover in the command phase.

Couple this change to initiative with the removal of the -1 for initiating an assault in the Command Phase. Also, Command roll penalties for distance are now based on Doctrine: Rigid 15, Normal 20, and Flexible 25

1. Clearing wrecks blocking bridges or narrow defiles
A wreck (or simply an intervening stationary vehicle on a bridge or a defile) counts as dense terrain for other vehicles that want to pass through it. To avoid this penalty remove the wreck using the rules below.

Wreck removal is permitted to ARVs, or dozers, or by vehicles with the same or better HIT value (roughly reflecting the weight of armour/vehicle). Unsuppressed vehicle must be adjacent to the blocking KOed vehicle. If so, clearing the wreck must be done as an initiative ‘engineering’ action. If the clearing vehicle is left unsuppressed to complete the action, the blocking vehicle is permanently removed.

2. Artillery (test rule): Speculative Barrages
Speculative Barrages and laying smoke are allowed against units that are “Dug-in” (on-table but concealed and not spotted). The FAO/FAC must have LOS to the Dug-in units.

The targeting point is one of the Dug-in enemy units.

Speculative shelling may use barrage missions only. Once the template is placed, roll attack dice; deduct 1 die from each artillery unit against each target.

3. Artillery bracketing
-1 deviation die for every subsequent, consecutive turn of successfully called-in artillery targeted on the same location.

4. Snipers
Independent units acting only during initiative or opportunity: 1 action.
Move 30cms
Shoot at any target: 1/50cm; targets are always in the open (4-6) except tanks units, full cover (6). A hit is not recorded – roll for suppression or fallback as normal.
Effects: a successfully Suppressed CO or HQ translates to “-1 to CV next turn.” Other stands simply become Suppressed as per the rules denoting the loss of platoon commanders.
Snipers that are contacted are killed; targeted only within 20cm; hit on 6s always
May not be an artillery/aircraft target.

5. Hidden Formations
The Hidden rules imply that the hidden formations have not been accurately reconnoitered and, more important, that the hidden formations have the field craft and discipline to stay concealed. Spotting the Hidden enemy is therefore about the attacking Formation moving to bring likely enemy positions into LOS and the hidden formations remaining disciplined enough to hold fire or keep ‘movement’ to a minimum. If “spotted” the Formation is placed on the table, but generally concealed – the hidden Formation has revealed its general position to the enemy, but the attacking combat units still need to ‘spot’ the units to engage them. Note that the Hidden deployment rules and the Dug-in rules are designed with the knowledge that the markers and, with dug-in units, the models themselves, influence player decisions even though the units have not been ‘seen’ by on-board units.

Only a defender may use Hidden deployment. Hidden deployment uses markers that denote fixed Formation HQs. Dummy HQ markers are awarded randomly (D6 per Hidden HQ: 1=0; 2-4=1; 5-6=2 dummies). Markers are deployed on the table in or behind cover or in the open behind an LOS blocking feature. Hidden markers may not move even if this movement is out of LOS of the enemy.

Revealing Hidden Markers:
Each Hidden marker may have one ‘spotting’ attempt against it each enemy turn. This spotting attempt is done either at the start of the attacking enemy’s Initiative Phase, or during any Command Phase action in which the Hidden marker comes into LOS of the enemy. Remember that this spotting attempt is really testing the discipline of the hidden formation to remain concealed while facing a visible enemy.

Hidden Markers are revealed (either as dummies or HQs of real Formations) in the following circumstances:
a. Spotting Attempt: The marker is in LOS of any enemy unit or command element but behind/inside cover. During the Initiative phase or at any time in the Command Phase when an attacking enemy unit moves into LOS of the marker, the hidden player immediately does a Command roll against the HQ CV of the hidden formation. Apply the following modifiers:
+1 to CV if the Hidden Formation is Elite
+1 to CV if the Hidden Formation is entrenched/camouflaged
Success: marker remains hidden
Failure: marker revealed; units deployed ‘dug-in’ (concealed)

b. Marker in the Open: The marker is in the open and in LOS of any enemy unit or command element at any time during the enemy turn, even if a spotting attempt was made earlier this turn.

c. Marker revealed by player: The marker and all units are revealed if the player chooses to activate the Formation by moving (including deploying) or shooting one or more units.
d. Marker within 20 of enemy: The marker (and formation) is revealed if any enemy unit or command element moves to within 20cm even if not in LOS.

e. Marker exposed by Recce: The marker is revealed if an enemy recce unit performs a successful recce action in their Initiative Phase. This attempt is in addition to the regular process of revealing a hidden marker (in effect a second possibility of being revealed). The recce attempt has no other effect than to expose the hidden marker.

Deploying Revealed Hidden Formations:
When a marker is revealed as the HQ of a real Formation, all units must be deployed within 20 of the HQ. Precisely where they must deploy depends on where the hidden marker is located when revealed:
•Marker/HQ in the open: units deploy anywhere within 20cm, but no closer than 5cm to the enemy.
•Marker/HQ in LOS but in/behind cover: units deploy dug-in (concealed) or outside of LOS from the enemy within 20cm of the HQ, but no closer than the unit’s ‘dug-in’ spotting ranges relative to the enemy.
•Marker/HQ not in LOS: units deploy out of LOS of the enemy within 20cm of the HQ, and no closer than 5cm from the enemy (accounting for spotting distances).
New Zealand
Joined 04/06/04
Last Visit 31/05/19
841 Posts
Posted on 06 July 2010 at 22:24:32 GMT
Some good, well-thought out stuff there Chris. I'm going to nick some of this for my games (when I get one organised)Smile
Joined 20/03/05
Last Visit 02/03/11
228 Posts
Posted on 07 July 2010 at 00:25:27 GMT
Thanks. Most of these ideas are years old but a couple are newer. Removing only some hits per turn is a more recent idea from Michael who posted it about a month ago. Tried it and it seems to work without any hassle.

If you do use some of these ideas, please report on how it goes.

Joined 17/11/08
Last Visit 23/02/16
124 Posts
Posted on 08 July 2010 at 11:34:53 GMT
Hi Chris,

You make no mention of tactical doctrine modifier regards breaking points. Do you guys just ingnore it or you apply it to formations? Even in the latter case sounds like flexible armies avoid the minus side of being flexible and the rigid armies loose pretty much their only benefit in most cases. I.e formations are under 1000 points in many/most cases.

Just curious,

iA //one could for example count the break point modifier from the total army points and then allocate that many -1/+1 breakpoint mods to formations' break point starting from the largest formation. I.e three largest formations in a 3000 point army get the modified break point. Just an idea with 10 seconds of thinking behind itGrin
Joined 20/03/05
Last Visit 02/03/11
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Posted on 08 July 2010 at 18:37:42 GMT
We almost never play with points games, so the BP modifier for doctrine does not get applied. Your suggestion is fine if we played points.
Joined 17/11/08
Last Visit 23/02/16
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Posted on 08 July 2010 at 19:32:16 GMT

I fail to see how selecting troops using points (I assume this is what you mean by play with points) vs using historical formations has anything to do with it. One can total points for historical formations easily. The breakpoint difference would be signifigant in a regimental size game between a flexible and a rigid army. Let's say 3000 pts - that's already a 6 units' difference in BP. Combine that with the "command distance modifiers adjusted according the doctire"-rule and the rigid armies are quite heavily penalized.

Clearly it works for your group so enough said. This was just my 2 cents on something that stood out from your house rules,

Joined 20/03/05
Last Visit 02/03/11
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Posted on 09 July 2010 at 00:18:42 GMT
In the scenario design you have to compensate rigid or poor formations with other benefits -- usually position/terrain or more assets of various types. I suppose we have not considered the use of these breakpoint modifiers in the formation morale rules due to this scenario emphasis where holding or capturing objectives is usually the focal point of the game.

Thanks for the comments. My reason for posting was to share ideas and receive some in return!

United Kingdom
Joined 19/09/07
Last Visit 25/05/14
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Posted on 09 July 2010 at 12:06:41 GMT
Some really good ideas which I'm going to try in our games.

"No initiative movement allowed through or out from dense terrain"

I wouldn't apply that to guerilla doctrine armies.
They know the local terrain and need all the help they can get!
Joined 20/03/05
Last Visit 02/03/11
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Posted on 09 July 2010 at 18:51:43 GMT
Quite right but for regulars the general principle in CWC and BKCII is that a unit that would take a -1 for Dense terrain would not be allowed to move through or out from said terrain with initiative. This is noted as a clarification because there is an inconsistency in BKCII between the movement rules and command rules with the former stating that there is no penalty for moving INTO dense terrain (they want to get to cover) but the Command rules state -1 "into, through or out from" dense terrain.

As noted earlier, please comment on your experiences with the house rules. Any additional playtesting would be much appreciated although most of the rules are years old.

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