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Joined 20/03/05
Last Visit 25/02/11
228 Posts
Posted on 21 June 2010 at 18:09:01 GMT
In my original amendments to BKC, I changed the initiative phase to allow shooting at full range. Part of my rationale for this was to allow tank destroyers like Marders - good gun but weak armour -- to use their typical tactic of shooting and moving to avoid return fire. Letting a unit fire at full range in initiative (during which opportunity shots are disallowed) made shooting and then using an initial command to back off (scooting) possible.

I am wondering how best to use these vulnerable units without this houserule in BKCII. I have gone much more orthodox with the new game but this is perplexing me. With a Nashorn I suppose you can fire at extreme range and hope to get the second command to bug-out. But with concealed Marders you are unlikely to outrange your opponents and waiting for them to get into initiative range ignores the potential of the gun.

What to do? I want to play as per the rules, but I want to see the rationale for having these quite common TDs without them being simply suicidal.

Joined 26/01/08
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765 Posts
Posted on 21 June 2010 at 19:34:34 GMT
I suppose you could use the Stabilization rule from CWC. I know WWII TDs didn't have this system but you could use a S2 modifier, and allow a shoot then move maneuver on the same command.
New Zealand
Joined 04/06/04
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Posted on 21 June 2010 at 19:34:41 GMT
Hidden deployment in a covered position that exposes the enemy flanks? Easier said than done! That's about all I can think of at the mo. Sad
Joined 19/10/07
Last Visit 14/10/22
288 Posts
Posted on 21 June 2010 at 20:54:28 GMT
Unfortunately, with the rules, I don't think you can do shoot'n scoot.

The primary problem is that the enemy can opportunity fire the moment you declare movement. So even if you are behind a wall, you can't move before you are shot at even though the moment you move, you would be out of sight.

BKC2 has compounded the problem because now woods and BUAs no longer provide edge LOS problems. If you are in a wood, you would have to move back 10cm before you go out of sight.

My solution is to house rule it. If a unit is in cover and they can, as the first part of their move, immediately break LOS (eg, go back from a wall) and they declare they are doing so before starting the move, then they can do that part of the move without being fired upon.

The second part of my house rule is to adopt the LOS rules from CWC and append only low and normal profile rules for when both units are in the same woods and BUAs.
Joined 19/10/07
Last Visit 14/10/22
288 Posts
Posted on 21 June 2010 at 21:01:42 GMT
There is one way of doing shoot'n scoot but it's very specific: during your opponent's turn, you opportunity fire at a target within initiative range. Your opponent then blows his next command role. For your initiative move, you move out of sight.
Joined 20/03/05
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228 Posts
Posted on 22 June 2010 at 02:43:23 GMT
Hi Siggian:

I don't think you are correct about opportunity fire and movement. Since opp fire is sparked by movement it must, by definition, be initiated. Consequently, even the most fractional movement back from a wall will break LOS.

Joined 20/03/05
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228 Posts
Posted on 22 June 2010 at 02:52:31 GMT
So, I have been thinking about a solution and it would be applied to all units: a new action called "shoot and scoot".

The definition:
A unit performing a shoot and scoot action fire and move as part of the same action. Fire as usual, but apply a -1 D6 to the shot for each unit performing the action. Immediately after firing the unit is withdraw straight back 1 cm. Since the fire and movement are part of the same action, opportunity fire may only be claimed AFTER the movement is initiated. If this puts LOS blocking terrain between the firing unit and the unit attempting to opportunity fire, the LOS is broken and Opportunity fire disallowed.

Units that must "deploy" before moving (e.g., mortars) may not Shoot and Scoot.

I believe this additional action option is simple, uses existing mechanics, and allows for the kind of ambush fire and movement that many unit types relied upon. Of course, there is a price: reduced firing effectiveness and the additional actions required to move back into a firing position and fire.


United States
Joined 04/09/08
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254 Posts
Posted on 22 June 2010 at 03:12:03 GMT
Shoot and scoot is a planned action that has its risks.

HQ rolls for first action. All units move up.
HQ rolls for second action. All units fire!
HQ rolls for third action. All units move back.

The risk is in not making the command roll. (The big reward is rolling snakeyes, YES!) You need to balance risk with reward in the game. That's part of taking command and making command decisions. Sometimes you win and sometimes you loose. That's what I like about these rules. A command with a high CV will take the chance. A command with a low CV will need to figure out another way to do it.
Joined 20/03/05
Last Visit 02/03/11
228 Posts
Posted on 22 June 2010 at 07:22:08 GMT
Your description is obviously one way of doing this, T-Square, but for thinly armoured units enemy opportunity fire makes it often suicidal and I was assuming concealed starting positions.

Perhaps one just has to accept this but it seems that when playing with models on a table top many of the tactics of fire, movement and concealment do not work well and so the game has to offer mechanics to represent them.

Not to worry, just an idea being knocked about.

United Kingdom
Joined 17/10/08
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332 Posts
Posted on 22 June 2010 at 09:07:41 GMT
Hi Chris - I no longer take my Marders for this very reason. Lovely models, effective guns, sitting ducks.

Siggian - I don't think you can do an initiative move at the start of your turn if you've used opp fire in the opponent's turn. I'm pretty sure it's one or the other, not both.
United Kingdom
Joined 19/09/07
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19 Posts
Posted on 22 June 2010 at 14:20:58 GMT
It seems a shame if the only way to get round this apparent non historic outcome is not to field the vehicles in the first place.
Joined 19/10/07
Last Visit 14/10/22
288 Posts
Posted on 22 June 2010 at 14:25:09 GMT
Johnboy, you are correct. You cannot do opportunity fire and then use initiative move out the way. So there goes the one way I had thought about making shoot and scoot work.

Chris, I'd play it like you said regarding moving back from the wall. The moment you move, you are out of LOS (some movement occurs before shooting can happen), however, Pete has stated that this is not the case. Before you duck back, the enemy can shoot at you. I remember this because it's not a ruling that I'm particularly fond of because it negates the shoot and scoot tactic. I just wish I could find the topic where this was discussed.
United Kingdom
Joined 19/09/07
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19 Posts
Posted on 22 June 2010 at 14:41:34 GMT
How about giving them something like the recce ability

Due to their shoot and scoot, firing from ambush type doctrine they could

1 only be hit on 6's if in any type of cover
2 suffer no command penalty if 40cms from HQ


Allow them to convert all unsaved hits inflicted in an enemy order them into retreat dice.Allow them to retreat up to 20cms instead of 10.
Thus they shoot and scoot automatically (ending further to the rear and possibly beyond terrain, suppressed) or they are KO'd.
Goomba Fletch
United Kingdom
Joined 30/04/10
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84 Posts
Posted on 22 June 2010 at 14:56:46 GMT
There was an idea to increase the lifespan of towed ATGs in a thread not so long ago.

It was something like when firing from a concealed position in cover, rathe than immediately giving away it's position automatically the target would have to make a D6 roll equal or greater than the score required to hit it's attacker. Credit goes to whoever offered this up in the original thread.

This way your concealed AT unit ambushes the enemy armour, then if the enemy spot it unfortunately you're fair game. But if you're in favourable cover the enemy can fluff their 'spot' roll and you scoot off.
Goomba Fletch
United Kingdom
Joined 30/04/10
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84 Posts
Posted on 22 June 2010 at 14:59:52 GMT
Here's the camouflaged ATG thread if it helps...
Joined 20/03/05
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228 Posts
Posted on 22 June 2010 at 17:56:05 GMT
Thanks for the input guys. I think that I am going to try my Shoot and Scoot Command Phase action as noted above and see how it works. This is clean and simple, can be applied to all units without the fuss of determining who can qualify for it, does not require yet another die roll, and gives these very weak units (3 hits; 6 save) a fighting chance.

Although Marders and the like were improvisations, collectively thousands of these types of vehicles were made and it is ridiculous not to use them because the rules make it suicidal to do so.

United Kingdom
Joined 04/08/07
Last Visit 20/09/15
231 Posts
Posted on 22 June 2010 at 19:08:46 GMT
To connect this to another thread, something may need to be done to reduce the effectiveness of on table mortars an guns firing indirect as open topped vehicles are way to vulnerable as things stand.
United Kingdom
Joined 19/09/07
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19 Posts
Posted on 22 June 2010 at 22:08:55 GMT
One additional problem with scooting after one round of fire is that while you may survive you don't tend to KO that much. Unless they are hunting in packs!
Joined 20/03/05
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228 Posts
Posted on 22 June 2010 at 23:30:30 GMT
Yes, but that is a price I think is both accurate and, from a game design perspective, balanced. So, I think this is an easy additional rule that can be applied to any unit (except mortars) without upsetting the game.
United Kingdom
Joined 26/03/08
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761 Posts
Posted on 23 June 2010 at 07:41:18 GMT
I like your idea Chris. I will give it a try out if I can remember to use it that is!
Joined 20/03/05
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228 Posts
Posted on 23 June 2010 at 17:27:50 GMT
Sounds good Steve. Please post your thoughts. I am going to try it tomorrow (and hope the players decide to use in their decision making). In lieu of more complex spotting rules I can't think of better way to do this using the existing mechanics. It may be that the spotting idea mentioned earlier is better, but it would have to be thought through as part of the overall spotting system.

Joined 10/08/07
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35 Posts
Posted on 23 June 2010 at 18:54:52 GMT
Is it meant that you pay one attack dice or attack dice equal to the value of one dice roll for this action?
Joined 20/03/05
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228 Posts
Posted on 24 June 2010 at 04:55:36 GMT
You declare a shoot and scoot action and roll for the command. If successful, fire normally, but with a -1 modifier. Apply results and immediately move straight back 1cm (presumably putting blocking cover between and that Opp firing enemy that now can't Opp fire because you disappeared).

United Kingdom
Joined 26/03/08
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761 Posts
Posted on 24 June 2010 at 07:50:09 GMT
Can you use 'shoot'n'scoot' as an initiative or opportunity action? I would have thought it made sense to allow this.
Joined 20/03/05
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228 Posts
Posted on 24 June 2010 at 15:46:03 GMT
I suppose so. Initially I thought that it should only be allowed in the command phase but I suppose there is no reason to allow in in those other situations respecting the rules for those circumstances.

United Kingdom
Joined 22/03/06
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53 Posts
Posted on 05 July 2010 at 09:55:40 GMT

Sorry a little late in joining in on this.

Why not simply adopt the CWC rules for stabilisers i.e. shoot then move (but not move then shoot) at -1/-2 as deemed applicable to a particular vehicle etc. Allow full movement - to represent falling back to a second prepared position rather than just out of sight. That would seem to cover the situation

If playing to points you'd have to increase cost. If scenario based then wouldn't matter.
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