Posted on 10 July 2009 at 09:42:22 GMT I have been working on 15mm figures for skirmish Science Fiction gaming and using “Future War Commander Skirmish!” I am finally ready for my ORKSIS. I am using my new 15mm Orks In Space and the ‘80s Imperial Commander’ figures. So after 20+ years of in the making I finally get to use my old, old Dreadnaught Power Armor by Martian Metals. Julie 08: OAKS In Space: New game system called Future War Commander. The Orksis Empire has invaded the planet of Regina IV in “The Empire Of Man”. The Emperor has dispatched Company B of the 10th Marine Corps to deal with the problem. Future War Commander in 15mm was a lot of fun. The Orksis have the numbers with their primitive technology. The Imperials have the technology and command. I used a lot of WWI TANKS British Mark IV and AV7s for the Orksis. The Empire of Man had Modern IFV Bradleys, Power Armor and Jump Jets and superior command ability. The Orksis even had cavalry in the form of Boar riders to fight the Imperial Modern IFV Bradleys. It was like the old adage of Polish Cavalry charging German tanks in WWII. The did manage to knock out the Bradleys with their Mark IVs and the Orksis equilivant of Power Armour (Orks Dreadnaught Armor). Lots of dice rolling and in spite of superior numbers the Orksis were defeated by the Empire of Man. A lot of hoots and laughs were taken by all. We even converted a 40K player to FWC. Next time the Imperials are going to have even more superior technology in the form of Grav IFVs and Tanks. Co B 10th Marine Regiment 1 CO (CV10) Power Armour Marine Secondary Smart Missiles System * 1st Squad 1 1st Squad Sgt (CV9) Regular Marine 9 1st Squad Regular Marines 1 1st Squad IFV (M50 Bradley)carrying 10 Marines * 2nd Squad 1 2nd Squad Sgt (CV9) Regular Marines 9 2nd Squad Regular Marines 1 2nd Squad IFV (M50 Bradley)carrying 10 Marines * 3rd Squad 1 3rd Squad Sgt (CV9) Assault Marine 9 3rd Squad Assault Marines * 4th Squad 1 4th Squad Sgt (CV9) Power Armour Marine Secondary Smart Missiles System 5 4th Squad Power Armour Marines Secondary Smart Missiles System ORKSIS Invading Raiders 1 CO Nobz (CV8) 2 Recce Unit Wolf Riders * six Zugien of Orksis made up of the following: 6 1st – 6th Zug HQ Nobz (CV7) 60 1st – 6th Zug Wildboyz 6 1st – 6th Zug Battlewagonz(10 Infantry ) * 7th Zug 1 7th Zug HQ Nobz (CV7) 10 7th Zug Nobz * 8th Zug 1 8th Zug HQ Boar Rider (CV7) 10 8th Zug Scavenger Boar Riders 4 Tank Unit Battlewagonz Mark IV 3 Walker Unit Dreadnought 4 Tank Unit (Death Fortress) |