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Arthur Chance
United Kingdom
Joined 20/05/04
Last Visit 05/09/15
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Posted on 27 June 2009 at 14:42:57 GMT
"After a series of hit and run attacks by Andrayan forces, Arcadian Marines have taken the fight to them with their successful assault on Avensis Six. Meeting strong but ineffective resistance from the Toasters, our brave Marines quickly overwhelmed and destroyed them with their superior HUMAN leadership"

Played the Colonization Assault Scenario today - 4000pts of Arcadian Marines landing against 1800pts of Andrayan defenders.

Was a walk over for the Marines, who'd paid for command level upgrades. This change was decisive as it gave most commands two if not three actions per turn against the Andrayans who normally got just one plus their initiative move.

Turning point of the battle was two consecutive Heavy Orbital Strikes on the Andrayan Malignant (Massive) walker. First strike took down its shields and the second suppressed it. Without the Malignant's fire power the toasters attack stalled, and as the Malignant couldn't regenerate its shields due to being suppressed, it was KO'd by the Marines in their next turn. The Marines then finished off the remaining Andrayans, even without having to deploy their reserve unit, a company of Bastion heavy tanks (it was that easy for them).

First time I've used a Massive unit, and have to say it was good fun, but it pretty much sucked as an attack unit! Once it was suppressed, and couldn't get its shields back up, it was just as much use as a 60' statue (also we were playing that it was suppressed on 4+ and not 3+, when in the open)

However, Cyborgs learn and adapt. So, next time around the Malignant will be Elite and Independent, plus the Andrayan command will pay for the level upgrade.

Also, when I play this scenario again, will give the defender 2/3rds of the attackers points rather than the half they had this time.

Will post a full report and some photos on my Blog in the next couple of days.

Finally, I did play it right in that the Shields couldn't regenerate in the initiative phase as the Malignant was suppressed, didn't I?

Joined 05/02/04
Last Visit 07/05/19
3793 Posts
Posted on 27 June 2009 at 16:10:33 GMT
Sounds good. Yes you did play the shields right Wink
Joined 14/08/05
Last Visit 03/12/24
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Posted on 27 June 2009 at 17:09:16 GMT
Excellent - you can't underestimate the power of that paying-for-command-upgrades option: Dean did it in our "Chinese Dawn" CWC inaugural battle - basically meant a guaranteed result [combined with the tactical doctrines...]

Looking forward to the pics Cool
Arthur Chance
United Kingdom
Joined 20/05/04
Last Visit 22/09/15
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Posted on 30 June 2009 at 14:34:52 GMT
Have just posted some photos from this game to my blog.

They look good, but as I say in the post, the table doesn't look very SciFi.

Might surprise the wife and suggest a visit to a local garden centre (which has an Aquarium section), this weekend. Normally try to steer clear of the place, but might get some inspiration from the plastic tropical plants and miniature sunken castles.
Joined 14/08/05
Last Visit 03/12/24
1472 Posts
Posted on 30 June 2009 at 16:04:06 GMT
Very nice's interesting, but green never looks sci-fi to me - always a desert or ash-waste terrain for me...
Arthur Chance
United Kingdom
Joined 20/05/04
Last Visit 22/09/15
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Posted on 01 July 2009 at 02:04:22 GMT
Yes - we're all Star Wars kids, Tatooine is in our blood!

And if the truth would out, the terrain was going to be desert, but I don't have any desert hills (hence the colour of the bases), and we needed the high ground for the scenario.

So I now have my next purchase.
Joined 14/08/05
Last Visit 03/12/24
1472 Posts
Posted on 02 July 2009 at 12:40:53 GMT
"we're all Star Wars kids, Tatooine is in our blood!"

Absolutely right - you've hit the nail on the head Grin
Joined 05/02/04
Last Visit 07/05/19
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Posted on 02 July 2009 at 13:18:30 GMT
Nice pics Cool
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