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United States
Joined 20/02/14
Last Visit 12/09/14
54 Posts
Posted on 21 April 2014 at 20:55:58 GMT
Turn Two - Recon in Force

My Commanders have chosen grid section AF-19 for our initial recon platform. At the intersection of two main roads between a major population center and the Depot 319-3's only military encampment, AF-19 is an excellent vantage point to launch autonomous drones for further recon.

Four units of light infantry in IFVs are accompanied by three Nightwing gunships, two jetbike recce units and a FAO for heavy support. The objective is to scoot to each table edge and release autonomous drones.

TAsk force East begins to move out and is hit by an Ambush! Human heavy infantry have hidden in the rough terrain alongside the road. Both grav-tanks are suppressed.

Task force North is able to move up the road unmolested, while the CO and task force South are hit by a second Ambush. Both suffer minor damage, but only the first vehicle is suppressed.

In the above image you can see that one of task force South's IFVs has been able to nearly reach the table edge at the bottom right, at the top left task force North is returning from launching their drones at the northern table edge. Task force West remains in the LZ due to a command blunder, and all three gunships have moved in to supprt task force East against the heavy infantry.

The Human response is swift and powerful:

An AA SPG and several squads of MANPAD infantry close in on the gunships, knocking one out of the sky immediately and suppressing the others.

Task force North is flanked by a pair of MBTs with serious firepower. One Sokol IFV is destroyed outright, the other damaged, its crew forced to flee on foot for the cover of the woods.

Task force West reaches its objective and releases their drones, while one of the IFVs from task force South is able to return to the LZ. The infantry in the rough ground west of the road continue to harrass and suppress half of task force South.

The woods offer some protection for the beleagured infantry remnants of task force North, butr their IFVs are gone and the Human armor bears down on them with awesome firepower.

Task force North is wiped out by the battle tanks, another Nightwing goes down to the AA fire of the SPG and task force East remains pinned down by opportunity fire. Task force West is able to return to the LZ without a scratch.

The Human armored column approaches the northen edge of the LZ, as the Eldritch CO recalls the recon teams and the FAO calls in an Ortillery strike on the Humans.

The orbital strike upon the Human armor was spectacularly ineffective, and, as one of the Sokols from task force West returns to the LZ the Humans are able to launch a missile salvo at it. Due to its speed, and some quick thinking from the tank commander, the Sokol is unscathed!

Two Eldritch units remain outside the LZ, suppressed by a withering hail of fire. The rest of the recce unit withdraws from the field.

(In game terms this match was a draw, with an even score of 5 points each. We decided it was a Strategic Win for the Eldritch, as they were able to complete three out of four of their goals: reaching table edges, and two of four goals of having those units return to the LZ)
Joined 05/02/04
Last Visit 07/05/19
3793 Posts
Posted on 21 April 2014 at 22:33:26 GMT
Nice battle Smile
United Kingdom
Joined 09/03/11
Last Visit 17/07/21
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Posted on 22 April 2014 at 10:55:32 GMT
Nice. The Recce mission is often hard on both sides - can swing on a knife edge really quickly!
United Kingdom
Joined 26/03/08
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Posted on 22 April 2014 at 11:15:17 GMT
United States
Joined 27/10/13
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Posted on 22 April 2014 at 20:58:10 GMT
It could have gone much worse for me. Stephen blew a couple of FAO rolls for orbital strikes, and the ones he got through he rolled low. I got luck with my AA fire with knocked out or suppressed his airships, which were his heavy hitters on the board.

In the end I knocked out I think 8 units and he only got one kill. I concentrated fire to knock units out rather than just suppress.
United Kingdom
Joined 09/03/11
Last Visit 17/07/21
2177 Posts
Posted on 22 April 2014 at 22:44:20 GMT
Whoops. I was surprised - that assemblage of armour on the road exit looked like a juicy juicy Ortillery practise zone Grin

We find a round of fire against everything reduces op fire back and locks the opponent down; subsequent fire gets massed to destroy stuff.
Joined 05/06/07
Last Visit 24/05/22
483 Posts
Posted on 23 April 2014 at 12:26:47 GMT
Nice report!

I do love this scenario, it's always quite tense compared to the others and presents more interesting challenges than the usual line up opposite each other.
United States
Joined 20/02/14
Last Visit 22/09/14
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Posted on 23 April 2014 at 14:03:40 GMT
Unfortunately my Ortillary sucked this game... looking forward to better results today!
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