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United States
Joined 20/07/05
Last Visit 02/06/19
322 Posts
Posted on 27 March 2013 at 23:17:15 GMT
Pete has graciously posted the vehicle statistics that I made for the Renegade Legion vehicles on the Download Page under Renegade Legion in the Future War Commander section.
These vehicles are armed to the teeth with many different weapon systems. Those that have two different weapons in the turret can combine the attack values against the same target if it is in range, but cannot use them to engage separate targets. Those with a hull mounted gun and a turret mounted weapon can engage different targets with each weapon or can combine them against a target to the front.
United States
Joined 08/04/13
Last Visit 12/04/15
7 Posts
Posted on 08 April 2013 at 04:11:58 GMT
I love my Renegade Legion units - while very expensive point wise - they can be very effective - BUT they can only fire either their primary OR the secondary weapon in one command phase - massive units - like GW Titans - are the only vehicles that can fire both primary and secondary weapons in the same fire command - check out page 52 under the Attacks paragraph - last sentence
United States
Joined 08/04/13
Last Visit 12/04/15
7 Posts
Posted on 08 April 2013 at 04:21:01 GMT
bilb - since you are the author of the centurion vehicle stats -are you saying that the primary and secondary weapons can ignore the rule for non-massive units and can fire both primary AND secondary weapons in the same command? - given that Smart missiles can only be fired once per turn this isn't as ugly as it could by but makes for a very powerful first strike - so is the hull mounted gun the 'primary weapon' stats & smart missiles considered in the turret for the Deliverer & Trajan heavy tanks and Horatius TOG med tank? - how did you come up with points for these vehicles since firing multiple weapons operate outside the normal rules?
Joined 05/06/07
Last Visit 24/05/22
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Posted on 08 April 2013 at 10:33:15 GMT
No idea about renegade legion stuff but an option for units with multiple weapons that are core to their essence (and hence may require a rules override...) is to subsume the weapons together and then allow split fire upgrade?

That said I think allowing multiple weapon firing for non-massive units is not advisable as it will unbalance the game.
United States
Joined 20/07/05
Last Visit 03/06/19
322 Posts
Posted on 09 April 2013 at 13:03:37 GMT
Guys, my apologies. I checked the point values for the lists that i sent Pete and found that the program that I used to calculate them was off. I have sent a revised set of lists to Pete to replace the ones in the download section. Meanwhile the correct values can be found at

The vehicles in Renegade Legion are over the top. The statistics in the lists have been set up to match what was in the Renegade Legion game though. I found the combat system in the RL rules to be very cumbersome and the vehicle designs to be unrealistic. In order to fire the hull mounted cannon at a target the vehicle would have to be rotated to face the target. The 150mm and larger cannons should knock out a vehicle with one hit, but in the RL rules they only destroy some of the armor boxes on the part of the vehicle they hit based on the pattern for the type of weapon fired. Its hard to imagine that there is enough space inside for all the crew needed to man the weapons, carry the ammunition for them, and the poser plant needed to move the vehicles, etc. I intend to use more reasonable designs for my own armies.
United Kingdom
Joined 09/03/11
Last Visit 17/07/21
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Posted on 09 April 2013 at 13:19:52 GMT
Could be worse, might have been GDW's rather lack lustre plasma/fusion weaponry in the New Era update. Tech Level 15 High Stellar energy weaponry was significantly less effective than Tech Level 8ish APFSDS, Abrams style...
United States
Joined 08/04/13
Last Visit 12/04/15
7 Posts
Posted on 11 April 2013 at 04:52:21 GMT
I appreciate the updated information - not exactly how I plan to handle the multiple weapon systems for the tanks with hull mounted guns in my games (Trajan, Deliverer & Horatius - I never really cared for the astetic of the hull guns on sci fi grav tanks)- for the turreted only tanks I'll use the combined numbers at the shorter range as the primary attack and the longer range dice only as a secondary attack & Smart missiles as a secondary attack as well to keep things simple and within the rules as written.
United States
Joined 20/07/05
Last Visit 03/06/19
322 Posts
Posted on 11 April 2013 at 05:26:36 GMT
Smart missiles would definitely be a secondary weapon and should not be combined with the guns.
United States
Joined 20/07/05
Last Visit 03/06/19
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Posted on 14 April 2013 at 04:51:16 GMT
revised lists have been posted in download area
Joined 26/01/08
Last Visit 18/02/15
765 Posts
Posted on 19 April 2013 at 05:50:32 GMT
SWWWEEETTT! Even included the Thor Javelin System. Nice work.

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