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Paul Stanton
Joined 17/02/10
Last Visit 28/09/16
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Posted on 03 October 2012 at 20:27:07 GMT
Gentlefolk of the forum,

I've been working with Michael of Angel Barracks and my friends in the Berkeley Vale club to convert his RDF troops into FWC stats. Below is my first attempt.

I think it suits his fluff Wink as a relatively low tech indigenous human colony. I would be grateful for any thoughts/observations before I get down on bended knee before the almighty Pete and beg that it be included in the Battlegroup section.

Troop Arm Move Attacks Assault Hits Save Cost Limit Notes
CO (CV9) Command 60F 3/30 - 6 6 130 1
HQ (CV8) Command 40F 2/30 - 4 6 60 - / 1
RDF Trooper Recce 10F 2/30 4 4 6 30 - / 2
MS1 Module Recce 15W 3/30 4 5 4 150 - / 1 Amphibious, 1 space, target designator
RDF Trooper infantry 10F 3/30 4 4 6 25 - / -
RDF Flammers infantry 10F 4/20 8 4 6 55 - / 2 Flamethrower
Minigun upgrade infantry - 4/60* - - - 30 - / 3
Tech troops infantry 10F 2/20 6 4 5 75 - / 1 Engineers, carry demo charges, target designators
Razerhound infantry 25F - 8 4 5 95 - / 2 tamed beasts, assault, stubborn, expendible
PATHFINDER ARCHER Armour 25W 4/100 # 3 4 5 85 - / 2 Amphibious, Smart Missiles, carrying capacity 2
PATHFINDER RANGER Armour 25W 4/40 5 4 5 95 - / 3 Amphibious, carrying capacity 2
Pathfinder warrior Armour 25W 6/60 5 4 5 145 - / 2 Amphibious, carrying capacity 2
pathfinder Palidin Armour 20W 4/40 5 4 3 130 - / 1 Amphibious, carrying capacity 2
Juraped TRANSPORT 20F - 3 3 6 10 - / 4 carrying capacity 1

Normal Doctrine & Contemparory tech level
Joined 05/02/04
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Posted on 03 October 2012 at 20:42:35 GMT
Very good, I will add them to Battlegroups Online Smile
Joined 05/02/04
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Posted on 03 October 2012 at 21:52:35 GMT
I added it, I think it all came out the same as yours, but maybe a couple of units have different points.
Paul Stanton
Joined 17/02/10
Last Visit 19/02/17
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Posted on 04 October 2012 at 09:00:19 GMT
Pete, Thank you Smile

Agree a couple of the PV are different but yours is the master calculator so not worried.

Just need to work out my force composition & place the order
Joined 05/06/07
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Posted on 04 October 2012 at 09:51:30 GMT

Sorry, never got back to you on this after your email.

I like 'em. My only question was re the use of Target Designators.

I know Michael mentioned it but most lists don't have them and where they do they are generaly very high tech such as Andarayadan or X31. Is it the sort of thing an RDF unit would have on relatively newly colonised planets? My understanding was the RDF protected settlements on newly colonised planets rather than a hich tech force with an industrial world behind them.

It's likely not an issue as they have limited SMs anyway and nothing else is auto-linked and as they are still building their forces they need all the help they can get Grin

Joined 05/06/07
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Posted on 04 October 2012 at 10:03:50 GMT
And Paul, we *will* need a lot of Archers to take down each others pesky pink Kraytonians!! Grin
Joined 05/02/04
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Posted on 04 October 2012 at 10:35:49 GMT
They recieved a job lot of designators from an undisclosed source, low tech people always find a way - rioting, ebay, black market, bloke in a pub Grin
Paul Stanton
Joined 17/02/10
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Posted on 04 October 2012 at 11:31:41 GMT
Pete, just spotted, the Archers don't have Smart Missiles. Could you update? thanks

Steve, re TD, Michael did mention it so therefore went in. but there aren't many [2 per 1000, at 225pts!] plus the archer points itself will mitigate against this being a game winner, plus the oneshot per turn SM's as you said.

My Kraytonians are not pink, Wink they're purple Grin.

Sounds like the allies for the Satorial wars have been found Wink
Joined 05/02/04
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Posted on 04 October 2012 at 12:09:46 GMT
Done - added it as a note
Joined 05/06/07
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Posted on 04 October 2012 at 12:13:25 GMT
lol. You say purple, I say pink, let's call the whole thing off!Grin

Camel recently painted up on AB forums:
Joined 05/02/04
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Posted on 04 October 2012 at 12:16:21 GMT
That's nicely done.
United Kingdom
Joined 09/03/11
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Posted on 04 October 2012 at 13:18:22 GMT
Very cool - I like!
Paul Stanton
Joined 17/02/10
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Posted on 05 October 2012 at 14:34:43 GMT
Just checking with Michael re the Target Designators and how they can afford it. Here's the word from the horse's mouth.

"It is true, the world they are on is new, however for political reasons (which are mentioned on the FUBAR blog the RDF are initially financed by EarthGov, who needless to say can afford sexy kit.

The RDF are also made up from ex-military, ex-protection forces and so on as well as normal guys.

They have been trained by the ECM (Earth Corps Marines) that were based on Kometenmelodie (the RDF home planet) so have good training too."
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